“Nobody obliterates the NYTimes as well as the NYTimes” – IOTW Report

“Nobody obliterates the NYTimes as well as the NYTimes”

‘This is GOLD’: NYT asks Candace Owens where she gets her ideas about Ukraine — and immediately regrets it


Received an email from The NYTimes asking for comment regarding me “advancing ideas that Ukraine is a corrupt country”—similar to Russian state TV.

I replied informing them that I actually got my ideas from the New York Times, and provided them links to their past articles.

9 Comments on “Nobody obliterates the NYTimes as well as the NYTimes”

  1. The subhuman pieces of shit that have sold their souls to the devil, and yes that is what signing on to the progressive agenda amounts to, take their marching orders from on high. What they are for and what they are against shifts with the winds and there is no consistency from year to year, month to month or even day to day in their loyalties. They are an empty vessel into which The Party pours its agenda, they have no concern for or concept of intellectual integrity. This will not resonate with them. They are the epitome of hollow men.

  2. The followers of the NYT are hostile to Constitutionalism, they have no personal constitution. If they could leave it at that I might have some regard for them, but they cannot. Their choice has lead them to live a confused life that is hostile to living a fulfilling life and unfortunately the resentment that has engendered leads them to destroy what provides others with in the way of living joyous and fulfilling lives.


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