Nobody wants to send troops to Ukraine – Germany – IOTW Report

Nobody wants to send troops to Ukraine – Germany


Discussions about NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine need to end, because nobody actually wants that to happen, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Friday.

Pistorius was in Finland to visit the German troops taking part in NATO’s Nordic Response wargames in the Arctic Circle. While there, he held a joint press conference with his Finnish counterpart Antti Hakkanen.

“Nobody really wants to have boots on the ground in Ukraine,” Pistorius said, responding to a question about recent remarks made by French President Emmanuel Macron suggesting that the matter was open-ended.

Discussions about that “should stop,” he added. more

14 Comments on Nobody wants to send troops to Ukraine – Germany

  1. Russia has warned that they will respond to any NATO troops in Ukraine with the possibility of nuclear weapons. Just a few days ago, they tested their long range missile that can fly far enough and fast enough carrying enough warheads to decimate a large area. Their dummy payload landed exactly where and when they expected.

    Biden and his handlers want us dead. I just hope Putin knows his target should be DC.

  2. There are no good guys with the Russia Ukraine debacle. Both sides suck. I truly don’t give a shit how it pans out, other than I don’t want my country involved with it. Fuck them both.

  3. I’m with you, even steven, the US has no dog in this fight – purely a money-laundering deal for pols – nothing more.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tim – FJB
    SUNDAY, 10 MARCH 2024, 5:52 AT 5:52 AM

    “purely a money-laundering deal for pols – nothing more.”

    …it’s a couple of things more…

    It’s a bioweapons lab.

    It’s where useless GovSpawn get high paying, no show jobs.

    It’s a flashpoint for whenever they want WWIII to happen.

    It’s a test bed for how to advance tyranny in the name of “democracy”.

    It’s an excuse to place ever more crippling tax burdens on working American citizens.

    And it will ultimately be the meat grinder into which the US military will be fed; and because of lack of ammunition, insane rules of engagement, undermanning, terrible unmilitary leadership, and lack of material and political support it will be destroyed as an effective fighting force, humiliated on a world stage and used as a pretext to conscript the last of the White Christian males to be lined up for annihilation as every other group will be given an exemption because, racism, or something.

    Ukraine is there to enrich politicians, no doubt about it.

    But the ultimate purpose is to break the United States in every way they can think of.

  5. In summary…send someone, anyone else but me, steal tax dollars from tax slaves to pay for it and don’t ask for the truth as to why and roll over and STHU if you know whats good for you!!!

  6. It’s a border war, period. Russia and Ukraine are fighting over a piece of land that they both claim.

    If it becomes wider than that, it is the fault of the meddlesome western Yurps.


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