* Nods Head* – IOTW Report

* Nods Head*


h/t Merry Poppet.

13 Comments on * Nods Head*

  1. thanks for the reminder…what a great picture!

    As we get on, acquire enough crap to fill a house and calcify into fogies, it’s tempting to scrap it all and start all over again. It’s one temptation I’m trying to give in to. LOL!

  2. @left coast Dan.

    What a crush I had on Victoria back in the day.
    She actually attended CPAC one year. I found myself standing right next to her in a small conversation. I was passably conversant but a bit shy.

    What was I gonna say? I loved you and Kevin Neelon in the Love Toilet sketch?

    Can I get a do over?

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