Noem says saw and heard about ‘illegal activity’ while campaigning in states for President Trump – IOTW Report

Noem says saw and heard about ‘illegal activity’ while campaigning in states for President Trump


South Dakota GOP Gov. Kristi Noem said Thursday that she saw “illegal activity” in the 2020 presidential elections but stopped short of saying that it was a coordinated effort or part of a master plan to rig the election.

“I did see illegal activity. I did see that going on. But I don’t think it was one big situation,” Noem said on “America 180!” with David Brody, on

In a wide ranging interview, Noem also said Republicans must do a better job of communicating their pro-life message, and she made clear a top priority is to help fellow Republicans do whatever it takes to defeat Democrat President Joe Biden.

Noem said she heard stories about – and saw first hand – illegal voting activities in 17 states while campaigning for President Trump in 2020, including a voter telling her that she received six ballots in the mail.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Noem says saw and heard about ‘illegal activity’ while campaigning in states for President Trump

  1. “Republicans must do a better job of communicating their (insert subject here) message even though the MSM will ignore it, distort it, or downright lie about it so that people won’t hear it unless they make a concerted effort to find it.”

    I think that is what she meant to say.

  2. “I did see illegal activity. I did see that going on. But I don’t think it was one big situation.”

    “Noem said she heard stories about – and saw first hand – illegal voting activities in 17 states…”

    But it wasn’t a “big situation”. I like her, but she seems just a little to reluctant to tell it like it is.

  3. Nothing will change until the voter rolls are under control.

    I still think that national voter registrations need to have expiration dates! Re-register every 4 or two years, maybe.

    Registration is easy, too easy, but clearing the voter rolls periodically would be beneficial, at least to clear away the dead or moved.

    People who move and don’t tell the registrar’s office retain the right to vote in each place, unless the registrar clears them off.

    Those and the dead voters are open invitations for demoncrats’ cheats.

    Anyone who says it’s hard to register is lying! They register for Medicaid,SNAP, rent help, free whatever the states or feds want to give away, and anyone can register at the dmv in most states.

    At election times, you can be approached at the supermarket or other public places, providing ‘help’ to register.

    Maybe the places people sign up for freebies can register people at the same time; the applicants have to provide all kinds of ID and verifications at those places! AND the recipients have to REGISTER every year for most of those bennies!

  4. Famous last words:

    1) Titantic – do you think the ice bergs are dangerous?
    2) Hindenburg – you think that’s going to throw a spark?
    3) 2020 election – mail-in voting will increase efficiency and accuracy of computer tabulations.
    4) Covid – paying doctors and hospitals premiums for “standardized medical procedures” will ensure proper treatment.

    All easy things to say after the fact right governor?


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