NOKO Defector: Christianity Thrives in North Korea as Citizens ‘No Longer Respect’ Kim Jong-Un – IOTW Report

NOKO Defector: Christianity Thrives in North Korea as Citizens ‘No Longer Respect’ Kim Jong-Un

Breitbart :

Christianity is spreading in North Korea as fewer citizens in the hermit state consider dictator Kim Jong-Un a god, the Telegraph has learned from an anonymous defector.

Using figures found in the latest International Religious Freedom Report authored by the U.S. State Department, Breitbart News has determined that the Christian population in North Korea has increased dramatically—at least five-fold—from about 37,000 known practicing Christians in 2012 to between 200,000 and 400,000 now.

The State Department, which gleaned the Christian population figures from data maintained by the United Nations and the Cornerstone Ministries International (CMI), acknowledged the number of Christians in North Korea may be higher.

State learned from CMI that an estimated “10-45 percent” of people imprisoned in North Koreans detention camps are Christians.

“An estimated 80,000 to 120,000 political prisoners, some imprisoned for religious reasons, were believed to be held in the political prison camp system in remote areas under horrific conditions,” points out State in its report. “CSW [Christian Solidarity Worldwide] said a policy of guilt by association was often applied in cases of detentions of Christians, meaning that the relatives of Christians were also detained regardless of their beliefs.”  read more

16 Comments on NOKO Defector: Christianity Thrives in North Korea as Citizens ‘No Longer Respect’ Kim Jong-Un

  1. The seeds of Christianity were spread thanks to the selflessness of fearless missionaries, many of whom suffered the same fate these people are now suffering.

    Mark 16:15-16 (KJV)

    15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

  2. Remember after world war 2 everyone said, “NO MORE” to concentration camps and dictators?

    Where is the U.N.? Where is the naval blockade? Where is the pressure to condemn? Where is the international world court to request Kim Jong Un for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, and demand his extradition for trial?

    No where. Broken promises. . .

  3. Super Patriot- Because the UN is busy sending out the little kids army with cardboard donation boxes to help starving children in [country du jour]. Oh and putting anti-woman male muslims on their ‘equal rights’ committees.

  4. And they executed the loving Ceaușescu couple on Christmas Day. Now there are all kinds of Christian radio stations broadcasting in Romania. Another thing that finished Communism in Romania was Chuck Norris.

  5. NoKo Christians are exemplary of the persecution of Christians worldwide. It’s still relatively easy here in the US to be a Christian, but prepare yourself, end times are coming and the persecution will spread like wildfire. Thank the regressive left and your Islam-loving federal representatives for placing this progression on greased rails.

  6. What Flip said, they need to condemn the UN compound and bulldoze it into the ocean. Then revoke every goddamn political visa they’ve issued for those pieces of dung.

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