NoKo executed 7 people for watching, distributing K-pop videos – IOTW Report

NoKo executed 7 people for watching, distributing K-pop videos

FOX: A human rights group reported that North Korea has executed at least seven people over the past decade for watching or distributing K-pop videos

South Korea-based group Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) interviewed 638 North Korean defectors since 2015 in an effort to better map out execution sites and numbers. 

The group’s report lists a variety of reported offenses punishable by death, including seven instances of “watching or distributing South Korean videos,” including videos of popular music from South Korea, known as K-pop. The group notes at least one reported example of a man executed for illegally selling CDs and USBs containing South Korean movies, dramas and music videos. Six of the alleged cases occurred between 2012 and 2014. The report claims that “the families of those being executed were often forced to watch the execution.”  MORE

13 Comments on NoKo executed 7 people for watching, distributing K-pop videos

  1. Executed?

    He SHOULD make them secret agents!

    Not ONLY could they stand up to the torture that is kpop, they actually went looking for MORE?

    THESE are people no waterboarding could ever break…

  2. I had to google “K pop”, hadn’t a clue what the hell it was. Here is a sampling;

    It doesn’t seem that bad to me, much better than that Bollywood junk that comes out of India.

    Here’s a bet only a sucker would take, Lil Kim don’t like the “suggestive” nature of the videos but has an exhaustive collection of dirty movies leaning unhealthily towards kink and torture porn.

  3. @TheMule — There were exactly ONE, count them, ONE good thing to come out of disco: The BeeGee’s song 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣’ 𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚.

    It has just the right tempo for CPR, and EMTs and other medical professionals can keep to the proper 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute by mentally “singing” to themselves while they work to help a patient Stay Alive.

    I am not making this up!

  4. Uncle Al ʘ FU46i
    DECEMBER 18, 2021 AT 4:09 PM
    “@TheMule — There were exactly ONE, count them, ONE good thing to come out of disco: The BeeGee’s song 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣’ 𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚.

    It has just the right tempo for CPR, and EMTs and other medical professionals can keep to the proper 100 to 120 chest”

    …”Holding Out For A Hero” works too…

    …so does “Don’t Fear The Reaper”

    Kind of depends on your sense of humor.

    Or irony.

    …the “more cowbell” song is probably more memorable, but the actual lyrics should be avoided if you’re in earshot of family…


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