NoKo Cracks Down On Fortune Tellers For ‘Anti-Socialist Behavior’ – IOTW Report

NoKo Cracks Down On Fortune Tellers For ‘Anti-Socialist Behavior’

ET: North Korean officials publicly executed two female fortune tellers in March and forced tens of thousands of people to watch in Chongjin city, according to Radio Free Asia.

A source told RFA that “public trials and executions have resumed this year, with judicial authorities holding these trials in multiple locations for reasons of maintaining social order.”

The source, which spoke to RFA anonymously, said the public executions “shocked” the residents of Chongjin in North Hamgyong province, which borders China.

“They pronounced sentences of death and carried out public executions immediately,” the source told RFA, which added that it appears to be a resumption of public executions in the isolated, communist country.

According to the report, the public executions were designed to prevent North Korean officials from going to fortune tellers and engaging in “superstitious” behavior.

The source furthermore suggested that North Korean officials want to eliminate “anti-socialist behavior” by going after fortune tellers.

Three of the female fortune tellers were executed via shooting while another received life imprisonment, the source said. They had used “a three-year-old and five-year-old child” as so-called “oracles” before receiving money when they told people’s fortunes, the person said.  read more

8 Comments on NoKo Cracks Down On Fortune Tellers For ‘Anti-Socialist Behavior’

  1. Maybe the fortune tellers have been infiltrated by Trump-supporting, American Capitalists… with a new message.

    “You buy Merican stocks. No Chin. You no roose money.”

  2. Impressed, AOC and Swallwell suggest thought be given to public executions of white gunowners, “the wealthy” and anti-socialists here in the US, once they gain a little more power. Prominent advocates of “reparations” agree, once the money is taken…

  3. ” North Korean officials publicly executed two female fortune tellers ……..

    I hear Leftists frequently complaining that even the Communist and Arab countries have lower prison populations and incarnation rates than the U.S. when they call for prison and justice reform to correct the situation.

    This is why.

    The dead are not counted as prisoners.

    Not that it will do anything to change Leftist attitudes about it.

  4. Trump should ask Fatty the Third’s spokesman, ROK Pres. Moon, the Korea Obama, to cool it. Moon is in D.C. to try and persuade the president to ease off with the sanctions. Fat-un chance.


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