NoKo’s round boy tells the US to keep its ‘stinky face’ out of Asia – IOTW Report

NoKo’s round boy tells the US to keep its ‘stinky face’ out of Asia

Breitbart: Following a series of condemnations from American officials over its latest missile test–and a bizarre affirmation that “we are not your enemy” from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson–the North Korean government has responded in its state media, demanding America keep its “stinky face” out of Asia.

The state newspaper of North Korea, the Rodong Sinmun, has published a series of articles threatening the United States with military force in response to the Trump administration’s repeated condemnations of its violations of international law. One article cites an unnamed spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry, who promised to use “strategic nuclear force” to “teach the U.S. some manners.”

“If the U.S. is stupid enough to shove its stinky face on this land again and keep brandishing its nuclear club despite our repeated warnings, the DPRK will teach the U.S. some manners with the strategic nuclear force that it had so far shown to the world,” the spokesman is quoted as saying. “Any form of military threat or blackmail by the U.S. can never scare the DPRK and, on the contrary, it will only redouble the resolve of the Korean army and people to annihilate the enemy.”  MORE

19 Comments on NoKo’s round boy tells the US to keep its ‘stinky face’ out of Asia

  1. OK by me.

    Central Asia, too.
    And the Middle East.
    And South America.
    And Central America.
    And Europe.
    And Africa.
    And Canada.

    It’s called “stew in your own juices” you ignorant fat fuck.

    Why the fukkin Koreans haven’t put him on a spit and had a pig roast is beyond me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And the fat little murdering rodent is still saner than most of the inhabitants of congress and the judiciary in America. Certainly more sane than the leadership of the Democrap Party and its presidential candidates past, present, and future!

  3. I haven’t heard “stinky face” since I was in second grade.

    Are the North Koreans suffering from an insult shortage as well as a food shortage?

    Where’s Don Rickles when we need him to send them foreign aid?

  4. Surrounded by general suck up’s and wearing elevator shoes he must think he is tough. He is a little league player tring to impress major league players how good he is!
    Fat chance, little man. Your generals have never commanded anything except a suck up session.

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