Nolte: All Remains Sane and Calm Out Here in Rural America – IOTW Report

Nolte: All Remains Sane and Calm Out Here in Rural America

Breitbart: My appreciation for Rural America has only grown as the lunacy of blacklists, rioting, looting, woke fascism, and a full-blown CHAZ has spread like a malignant cancer throughout dozens of Democrat-run cities.

You know what?

There really are Two Americas.

To which I can only say, “Thank God.”

Thanks to hard work, a little luck, a gracious employer, and an awesome wife, I live in a small town in the western mountains of North Carolina. We did have a couple of big (for our size) protests over the tragic death of George Floyd. But both protests were peaceful, and what happened to George Floyd is worthy of public outrage, so the protests only made me even more proud of my leafy little corner of the world.

The beauty of Rural America — and this is why our media, celebrity, and Democrat elite hate us so — is that the left’s bullshit can’t touch us.

To begin with, the left’s organized and oppressive violence has no effect on us, and that’s primarily because the left-wing terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter know not to come out here; know our cops don’t kneel and we love the Second Amendment… But it’s also the left’s oppressive rules that don’t touch us…

For example, all those terrible decisions made by the Supreme Court this week… None of that will touch us. Illegal aliens don’t destroy Rural America; they destroy Democrat-run cities. Hey, I lived in Los Angeles for nine years; I know of what I speak. And it’s not just the crime that comes with open borders; it’s also how the cheap, illegal labor contributes to the urban blight that comes with fewer jobs and lower wages for legal citizens and immigrants.

The sheer madness of the Court declaring homosexuality (a behavior) and gender dysphoria (a mental illness) a protected civil right… This will never touch Rural America because the left-wing activists who intend to use those unconstitutional rulings to destroy traditional institutions (which is their ultimate goal) will be doing so almost exclusively from an urban base of attack. more here

26 Comments on Nolte: All Remains Sane and Calm Out Here in Rural America

  1. You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you.

    I used to feel the same way Nolte did living in small town Canon City in the mountains of CO. The fact is the state is controlled by Denver & Boulder Counties and the laws that came out of the state house are as onerous as any in the nation. Plus the SC in CO was one of the most liberal in the country guaranteeing that those laws would stick.

    Don’t want reefer in your small town? Tough shit
    Don’t want to pay for sky high “renewable energy” Tough shit
    Shall not infringe? Haha, good one
    Kill off 1,000s of jobs by killing fossil fuels. Underway
    Massive conversion to single payer. Almost and they’re still at it.
    Sanctuary cities all around you. yep and again tough shit
    It goes on & on.

    I mean it’s all well and good to be content in your living environment, I sure am here in n AR but you have to realize that with the laws come the goons.

    NC like CO used to be a solid red state. No more. I saw the writing on the wall in Texas. All of w Texas has about the same population as a couple of the suburbs in bluer than blue Dallas. And Austin is just as bad as Denver, it’s only because of the large number of districts in Texas that have kept the more insane notions from becoming law. But that’ll change.

    I don’t see any hope what so ever for any kind of conciliation. And I sure as fuck am not moving again.

  2. Once the locusts have decimated an area they move on to the next fruited plain. Out here in the sticks, various types of pesticides and methods are available to keep that in check.

  3. “This will never touch Rural America because the left-wing activists who intend to use those unconstitutional rulings to destroy traditional institutions (which is their ultimate goal) will be doing so almost exclusively from an urban base of attack.”

    Don’t bet on it.

    Like cancer, it will eventually metastasize and effect every part of the body.

    It may take longer to get there than in the big cities, but it will eventually reach you.

    No one is untouched by the prevailing law of the land, and USSC decisions are the highest of the laws of the land.

  4. Sooner or later we’re gonna have to kill em.
    Sad … but that’s the way it is. Just like mice in the house. They just can’t stay out where they’d be safe – they have to come inside and be a nuisance. Cockroaches – same thing – just won’t leave you alone.
    Socialists, Nihilists, Communists, Nazis, Fascists, BLM – whatever brand of totalitarian they’re calling themselves this week – they just won’t leave you the fuck alone! They seem to be compelled to be irritants. They start out like itching powder and then grow to full-bore mosquito and tick attack.

    Well, they’re in the pecker-gnat stage right now, and becoming more irksome.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. We need to get as organized as they are but quick. Nobody in positions of authority are leading the way. If we can do so then we can issue statements about what we will and more importantly WILL NOT accept.
    There are enough of us to make it stick but it has to happen soon.
    We have to channel our anger into organized rebellion on a large enough scale to shock them.
    Our biggest problem is the usual inertia on the right while facing trademark activism on the left.
    I’m open for ideas.

  6. @gin blossom
    Just like ants and termites, in order to iradicate them you must take out the queen.
    Who is it?
    I hope President Trump knows, and has a plan.
    PS – I LOVE typine “President Trump”!

  7. The only problem with rural is if the city dwellers move to the rural areas they tend to bring their voting style as well. You think the idiots that destroyed their own cities by continuously voting Democrat would figure it out but no they are really that dumb and will bring their voting style to your neighborhood.

  8. The root of the problem is that the Left controls our educational system. From that comes their control of the media, Hollywood, etc. I was really hoping Trump and DeVos would’ve done more to squash the Department of Education by now. That is the key.

  9. I read somewhere the difference between urban and rural is in the city they ignore sirens a listen to gunshots but in the country we ignore gunshots but listen to sirens.

  10. “You can take the boy out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the boy.”
    “You can take the maggot out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the maggot.”

    50% of the population live within 50 miles of the coast. Why can’t they just be content to destroy their own habitats and leave the humans alone?
    Without the “hinterlands” they’d starve. Without farmers, we’d ALL starve.
    You have to ask yourself, why do they insist on destruction?
    Do they not realize that their own security is tied up with ours?
    That their vision (version) of society would lead to their immediate extermination?
    Have they no sense of History?

    Useful Idiots (as well as Useless Idiots) are expendable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @Anonymous JUNE 21, 2020 AT 9:15 AM
    “The only problem with rural is if the city dwellers move to the rural areas…”

    IF? It’s been happening for 50 years here in Oregon (and other formally red states), and is rapidly picking up speed with the latest civil unrest.

  12. I love the last part.


    You are under no obligation to waste your life on Twitter trying to save the world.
    You are under no obligation to ruin your life hate-watching cable news.

    It’s your corner of the world that matters.

    It’s your family that matters.

    Take care of that.

    Protect that.

    Enjoy that.

    The secret to the good life is to remember that.

  13. I was born and raised in So Cal. It USED to be a nice place. (Still not too bad, but it’s slipping.) Lived and worked here, and voted conservative all my life.
    Planning to retire soon to a small town in (XXX), pop 685.
    I will bring conservative values with me.
    I look forward to watching “progressives” self-destruct during my Golden Years .

    Adios, commies.

  14. I am glad that I was born and raised in Eastern Wash. state and nearby N. Idaho. Spokane used to be the biggest one horse town and 10 years behind the times in the Inland NW and we still are for the most part but far too many people from the West side of Wash. and California are moving here and messing things up for the natives in this part of the country. Expo 74, the World’s Fair that we hosted in 1974 made us a 2 or 3 horse town and changed us for the better, downtown is no longer just bums and railroad track and skid row running thru the middle of the city. Fortunately our occasional brutal Winters tend to keep a lot of the riff raff away. That and being remote from most of the rest of the country and predominately semi rural and farm country surrounding both Spokane and N. Idaho. We get a lot of tourists during the Spring and Summer but most of them are just passing thru looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Around here you can be out of town in 20 -30 minutes in any direction and be in predominantly small towns and farm country and lots of lakes and rivers and mountains for recreation. It’s a great place to live but we don’t need a lot of refugees from other parts of the country unless they want to assimilate to our slower pace of life. It’s nice to be for the most part 1-5 years behind the rest of the country still.


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