Nolte: Clint Eastwood Blasts Fake News in ‘Richard Jewell’ Trailer – IOTW Report

Nolte: Clint Eastwood Blasts Fake News in ‘Richard Jewell’ Trailer


As Breitbart News reported back in April, the fact that Oscar-winner Clint Eastwood was circling a movie about Richard Jewell was no accident. With our fake news media currently on a rampage to overturn the 2016 presidential election with a relentless caravan of lies and fraud, Eastwood knew a timely subject matter when he saw one.

During the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, 34-year-old Richard Jewell was working security when he discovered a suspicious package. Risking his own life, Jewell evacuated the area before the bomb went off.

One person was killed in the blast, dozens were injured, but were it not for Jewell’s bravery and instincts, the death toll would have been unthinkable.

What happened next at the hands of the FBI, the national media, and the late-night comics was one of the most disgusting episodes I can remember.

Because he was white, because he lived with his mother (she was ill), because he wanted to be a cop, and because he was a southerner, the feds, the media, and the Jay Lenos targeted this hero for personal destruction.

Working hand in hand with the Deep State FBI, the media smeared Jewell as a pathetic, mama’s boy who planted his own bomb so he could be a national hero, and the late-night comics eviscerated him as a fat, dumb, southern-fried mama’s boy.

Gee, any of this starting to sound familiar?

15 Comments on Nolte: Clint Eastwood Blasts Fake News in ‘Richard Jewell’ Trailer

  1. It was the same with James Holmes, the Aurora, CO movie theater shooter. Some “journalist” found a Tea Party member on Facebook with the same name and ran with it. NOT THE SAME GUY! At least they got shut down quickly. Poor Richard Jewell never recovered.

  2. Both the national press and the FBI are getting more and more exposure for the treacherous abusers of the truth they are.
    The behind the scenes pressure to stop the release of this movie must be tremendous.
    Too late now, this is long overdue.

  3. Richard Jewel, not the first but an electronic lynching that killed.
    Stress will kill ya and that was a lot of stress.
    What bothers me the most, the media never learns or is sorry for their bad behaviour.

  4. The Complicit, Bought & Paid for, Knee-Pad Media never learns or is sorry for their bad behavior. Why?
    Well, that’s easy. Reward bad behavior, get bad behavior.
    That’s why I call ’em Bought & Paid for.
    Until there is a penalty for journalistic malfeasance expect it to continue!
    Now go follow the money!

  5. I remember not believing the media and the way he was literally Hunted.
    Leave it to Clint to set things straight.

    Many people criticized his speech to a “Chair” but I thought it was brilliant.

    The public didn’t understand that a chair would have done less damage and been more useful than Obama.

    Give it some legs and Richard Jewel will have a few parks named after him I hope.

  6. Good for Clint Eastwood. He’s one of the few in Hollyweird that isn’t afraid of the gay mafia.

    I hope he lives long enough to have a conversation with another empty chair at the next Trump convention.

  7. It’s too bad people like Eastwood have to wait til they’re famous, rich and cultural icons before they are able to speak up without fear or caring they might be blacklisted.

  8. He’s just like John Wayne, so popular with the public that the extremists in Hollywood can’t lay a glove on him. None of the goons want to stick their necks out a attack him for fear of the public destroying them.
    Oh there’ll be a couple who are put up to it but they’ll soon be washing dishes for a living in some greasy spoon.

  9. @Beachmom

    Back when Eastwood became famous, politics wasn’t on people’s minds as much as now. Everyone was more interested in having fun in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. You could ignore a lot of politics and just have a good time as your goal.

    Now, it’s serious and Mr. Eastwood has made his voice heard. I welcome him and appreciate his efforts.


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