Nolte: Manafort Deal Looks Like Good News for Trump, Terrible News for Democrats – IOTW Report

Nolte: Manafort Deal Looks Like Good News for Trump, Terrible News for Democrats

Big Journalism: According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”

Something rarely brought up by our utterly useless but still corrupt establishment media is that in order for someone to “flip,” that someone has to have the goods on someone else. In other words, if you want to deal your way out of prison time, you have to have something to deal with; you actually have to serve someone’s head up on a platter.

Nevertheless, all throughout the Russian Collusion Hoax, and every time someone agrees to “cooperate” with Mueller, the media squee like the 14-year-old girls they all are and then intentionally mislead the public by matter-of-factly saying, “This is bad news for Trump.”

Well, no, actually it is not.

The only way someone “flipping” is bad news for Trump is if he has indeed done something illegal, and as of right now, after nearly three years of 24/7 scrutiny at the hands of a beyond-corrupt FBI,  two years of scrutiny from a rabidly partisan media, two congressional investigations, and 18 months of an unaccountable fishing expedition by a herd of Democrat Dirty Cops in the special counsel office, they got exactly zippo.

In other words, so far none of these so-called flippers has flipped on Trump.

One wonders how many other politicians could weather the kind of scrutiny Trump is facing

Hell, one wonders how many so-called journalists could survive this kind of fisk.

Answer: not many.  Keep Reading

5 Comments on Nolte: Manafort Deal Looks Like Good News for Trump, Terrible News for Democrats

  1. Tony Podesta is gonna get a long stay in Federal accommodations which means to shorten the stay he’ll have to rat out on even more of the slugs. It’s getting fun.


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