Nolte: Of Vote Fraud, Hard Evidence, and Swing State Margins – IOTW Report

Nolte: Of Vote Fraud, Hard Evidence, and Swing State Margins

We’ve come to accept the idea Democrats cheat, especially in urban areas. We make jokes about it. This is not healthy. If it’s happening, it needs to stop.

Breitbart: Thus far, Team Trump had done a solid job laying the foundation to challenge the election, which is something the 70 million or so Americans who voted for President Trump deserve.

It is simply a fact that when vote fraud is discovered, more often than not, and for obvious reasons, it comes by way of mail-in ballots. In the past, that didn’t matter so much. Very few people voted by mail. This year, upwards of 50 percent voted by mail, and did so in crucial swing states, so we are right to be skeptical, right to demand transparency, right to want to be satisfied this was indeed a fair election.

We are also right to be highly suspicious and disgusted by a Democrat Party and national media who are fighting tooth and nail to oppose transparency and verification.

None of this, however, means that if Trump loses he will have lost because of fraud.

We just don’t know at this point.

But we deserve to know.

n fact, we must know, which brings me back to my opening point about Team Trump laying the foundation to ask for recounts and a recanvassing, which are two different things.

A recount is just that. The ballots are recounted in the same way they were the first time. Recanvassing is a review of the vote totals in each county to ensure there were no clerical or inputting errors in the reporting of the number of votes for each candidate.

Once this is done, Trump’s only remaining option is to try and expose enough vote fraud to tip the election back to him. In other words, invalidate enough votes to put him over the top, and this is where we are definitely headed. more here

9 Comments on Nolte: Of Vote Fraud, Hard Evidence, and Swing State Margins

  1. As we have seen with the massive corruption of an four year long attempted coup and the wanton destruction of our cities, democRATs know that laws mean nothing if there is no enforcement! That has now been extended to our election laws! Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!
    This election may be over, but the war has only just begun.

  2. I’ve been asking on this on several sites, and I still don’t have a good answer. If Biden wins through the SC, are we just supposed to say, “Oh well, guess he won.” How do the patriotic Americans just accept a fraudulent president? How do we watch our country go down in flames becoming a socialist nightmare. Especially if in the course of cheating for Biden they manage to flip the Senate as well. If they control all three areas, it is over, there will never be another Republican president – ever. So I ask again, what are we supposed to do?

  3. No. It’s obvious that if Trump “loses” it will be because of fraud. There’s been widespread cheating all over the country, and everybody knows it. They didn’t even try to hide it. They’re shoving it in our face and challenging us to do something about it. If they try to crowbar Biden into the office……….

  4. I haven’t heard a plan yet that could get half of President Trump’s supporters to unite. One thing I know for sure, the solution that involves the justice system isn’t a solution. 75 days until inauguration day.

  5. Fox News radio this morning: “President Trump has claimed WITHOUT EVIDENCE that Republican poll watchers were denied access. HE IS LYING.” Exact quote. F Fox.

    Edit: My edit feature works fine.

  6. To nco77 and others – FYI – I have noticed that the Edit function is dependent on the computer/browser that is being used. It also will not work if you are running no-script.
    For example the Edit function works fine on Safari, but not on my Android (neither is running no-script). Try different browsers or devices if you can.


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