Nolte: Only 37% Believe Mueller Investigation Was ‘Justified’ – IOTW Report

Nolte: Only 37% Believe Mueller Investigation Was ‘Justified’

Breitbart: A CBS News poll shows that only 37 percent of Americans believe special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax was justified, while a majority of 54 percent believe it was “politically motivated.”

In a country as divided as this one, 54 percent of Americans agreeing on anything political is pretty impressive, and as Townhall points out, there has been a massive sea change in public perception of the Mueller investigation.

Just a couple of months ago, in January 2019, this same poll showed that only 45 percent believed the investigation was “politically motivated,” while 50 percent said it was “justified.”

In other words, those who believe the investigation was “justified” plummeted by 13 points, while those who believe it was “politically motivated” jumped nine points.

That’s a 22-point stampede in the other direction.

Naturally, the far-left CBS News, which, along with the rest of the establishment media, spent two years spreading the hoax about President Trump’s colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election, buried these inconvenient findings below the numbers that push their agenda about the public wanting to see the Mueller Report — you know, as though that isn’t already going to happen.

Other numbers inconvenient to the fake media include the fact that only 38 percent of Americans want the investigations into Russia to continue by Democrats in Congress.

Only ten percent believe the Mueller investigation, which cleared the president entirely, was conducted unfairly.

Only 23 percent claim the investigation did not clear Trump, while 34 percent believe it has, and 36 percent believe it is too soon to say.

The CBS poll lines up pretty well with a recent Rasmussen poll that shows 61 percent of respondents want all congressional investigations against Trump to stop.

Whether Democrats and their allies in the fake news media want to acknowledge it or not, there was a pre-Mueller Report world and a post-Mueller Report world, and in this post-Mueller Report world, Trump is a duly elected president, a legitimate president, and one who was unfairly hounded, smeared, and harassed for two long years by a politically motivated/media-driven witch hunt.  read more

6 Comments on Nolte: Only 37% Believe Mueller Investigation Was ‘Justified’

  1. Take out the 25 – 30% of confirmed communists and that equals a big fat nothingburger. There are <10% idiots in any population and they captured the entire lot.

    I have lived through a gubernatorial election being stolen in broad daylight and what Democrats fail to recognize is that "it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" is so ingrained in natural law (what is intuitive), that although "they Liked" the "win;" "they" recognized the fundamental injustice of it.

    What comes into play is that the zeitgeist was with them and since the population has been programmed to accept that as desirable… it is like a clerk making a mistake in your favor. WTF, the corp that owns the retail store has been unfairly profiting – too bad so sad for them. Me keeping the money is a windfall.

    Donald Trump is not your daddy's Republican who does not have the guts to tell his kids right from wrong and "daddy" is teaching his younguns to think things through and not accept what they have been inculcated with. Thank God!

  2. My ten year old daughter came to me and said that the Aquanauts cartoon’s message was deeply flawed. They have kids cheering for prey animals to get away. She said: That only means another prey animal must die if the predator animal is to live.

    And she has two younger siblings. How could I get so lucky? Or is it that she was with daddy at six, or so, when I shot an elk that fed us for a year and never has experienced the family buying beef at Costco.

    Funny thing, this kid understands the “circle of life” and adults do not. We don’t live an “artificial” life in this family and that demands thought. Our entertainment revolves around interactions that are life and death. Sprint Car racing, Rodeo, Bull Riding and hunting and fishing. Is that what has kept her “real?” WTFKs, but she is an outlier.

    I DO NOT subscribe to “it take a village,” you are responsible for raising your own kids. Period, full stop. I try to “keep it real” and when a guy said to my daughter: Why do you and your dad like to shoot rockchucks? They don’t hurt anybody. She said: They are not eating your alfalfa. We like to hunt and if not for us the alfalfa farmers would poison them all out and there would be none left. Since we shoot them down to a level that makes poisoning them too expensive they will still be around. We like shooting them, but in doing so we are the reason alfalfa farmers do not pay to poison them all out. And we like them being there to shoot at so we quit before we wipe them all out. The guy was speechless.

    I had never articulated that, she just grasp it on her own. Kinda like natural law. It takes work to undo what is intuitive, and that is what the left has been up to.

    Finally, we have a man who is unaffected by the zeitgeist and is willing to follow his (and the American people’s judgement) and is giving everyone something else to consider.

    He, Donald Trump, is putting up concrete examples of how the world really responds to oppose the “Hope” of a better tomorrow, based on conjecture.

    If not for him, we would have the eRepublican nothing to juxtapose against the Democrats vision.

    Juxtaposing the Democrat failures against their vision just doesn’t work. You have to offer real tangible gains to defeat a vision of gain. That is just how the human mind, in the aggregate, works.

  3. “Only 37% Believe Mueller Investigation Was ‘Justified’”

    …and that’s 37% even WITH the usual Democrat tricks like over sampling Democrats, not worrying if it’s a citizen or not, and counting every Democrat at LEAST twice…

  4. If Muller had investigated all the “actual criminals” in the Jussie Smollett type of phony, fake, made up, Russian Collusion tale, that the DOJ developed in taxpayer paid for back rooms. Maybe Americans would have had more of a positive perspective on its worth. Especially if some of the perps had gotten “actual” jail time.

  5. “Justified” as in “justice” or as in “justification” for the totalitarians’ attack on America?
    In terms of “justification” for the totalitarians, it served its purpose: which was to dissemble for 2 years and waste the taxpayers money – shifting millions of dollars from those who earned it to a gang of sleazy lawyers while maintaining a fever-pitch of contumely against America by the Media.
    There was never an attempt to obtain “justice” since collusion isn’t even a crime – and everyone knew this from the start. The best guess is that the Demonrats pursued this to silence critics of their various treasons: the ObolaCare conspiracy to defraud America and violently entail 1/6 of the economy, the Benghazi conspiracy to smuggle weapons of mass destruction to Syria, the conspiracy to denude America of her Uranium reserves, the conspiracy to destroy the American economy, the conspiracy to import millions of illegal rat-people, the conspiracy to corrupt the FBI, DoJ, NSA, DIA, CIA, IRS, &c., the conspiracy to nullify the Constitution and usher in a re-distributionist Federal gov’t, and these are just the tips of the icebergs that are known throughout the land.

    So, yes and no. Dependent on the definition of “justified.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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