Nolte: Phony Australia Freak-out Proves Ukraine Hoax Is Running Out of Steam – IOTW Report

Nolte: Phony Australia Freak-out Proves Ukraine Hoax Is Running Out of Steam


The artificial media freak-out over President Trump asking Australia to look into the roots of the Russia Collusion Hoax tells me the Ukraine Hoax is already running out of steam.

Someone once told me about a 19th century magician who could make an elephant appear from nowhere. After announcing his intent to conjure the mighty beast, the showmanship would begin: fireworks, dancing girls… and while everyone was watching the dancing girls and fireworks, the magician would simply walk the elephant on stage.

Australia is just one small part of the dancing girls and fireworks being used to distract us from the fact that a basis for impeachment does not exist.

Let’s start with this…

All the way back in May, long before the word “whistleblower” became the new “Russia,” Trump told the media, and by extension all of us, that he would have Attorney General Bill Barr look into the birth of the Russia Collusion Hoax by working with three foreign countries: Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and — wait for it, wait for it — Australia.

Trump said this out loud.

To the media.

Back in May.


12 Comments on Nolte: Phony Australia Freak-out Proves Ukraine Hoax Is Running Out of Steam

  1. the AntiUS (pronounce ‘ant-t-us’; as in ‘ant-t-fa’) cannot, in the long run, attack Trump without first indicting Biden’s quid-pro-quo … my guess is that they’re willing to eviscerate Biden to get Trump … trouble is, Biden did what Trump did not.

    they can’t square the circle

  2. It doesn’t much matter whether the hoax is running out of steam so long as the hoaxers continue to act as though it isn’t. The newsies will be reporting on the histrionics of the pols and NOT reporting on the absence of any reasonable evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors. Hell, the newsies will be incestuously reporting on the histrionics of their fellow newsies.

    Don’t lose sight of the fact that even a bogus impeachment without Rep opposition due to last year’s House rule changes, and without hope of a Senate conviction, is a partial but significant win for the Dems, and will make legitimate investigation into the anti-Trump conspirators much more difficult. Investigations will be claimed to be partisan politicking and not pursuit of a treasonous coup cabal or power-mad intelligence community communists.

  3. Yet Erick Erickson was on the radio today, smugly predicting that the IC may “trap” Trump with more leaked transcripts of convos with foreign leaders. It looks like poor, tired Erick has misread the battlefield once again. But at least he’s got his foot back in the door at CNN.

  4. @Left Coast Dan — I’m not too worried about the 2020 presidential election, I’m more concerned about the congressional voting. But the Ukraine / impeachment mania has me greatly worried about indictments for Barky, Joey, H-Rod, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et nauseating alii.

  5. I don’t know the rules of poker, but doesn’t “doubling down” on a losing bluff mean the player loses even more of their money?

    In trying to understand if this is true or not, I found this poker blog/forum for advanced players, “No Donkeys Allowed”.

    Funny how closely winning and losing poker players’ habits/situations apply to politics.

  6. Don’t lose sight of the fact that even a bogus impeachment without Rep opposition due to last year’s House rule changes, and without hope of a Senate conviction, is a partial but significant win for the Dems, and will make legitimate investigation into the anti-Trump conspirators much more difficult

    What it means is that the “a partial but significant win for the Dems” isn’t one at all.

    It blows up in the face of the Demos and hands the House back to the Rs. Along with keeping the Senate.

    Assuming Pelosi Galore ever calls a vote (I’m not kidding), Trump will hand their heads to them in the trial. He can declassify all the dirt on the big crime families in the Democrat party (Choom Gang, Ozark Mafia, Lurch, Gropin’ Joe, and, yes, even the Pelosis) and destroy them for a century.

    Add this to the fact that the American public will view them as losers because they couldn’t make it stick and reject them.

    No win, no partial, no significance.

  7. “The only problem with a Trump hoax running out of steam is that the democrats will create a new hoax by sundown…”

    The Dems are incapable of creating new hoaxes. They can only recycle old hoaxes.

  8. UNCLE AL , Left Dan

    Until lthe CIA + State Dept are forced to testify (UNIPARTY will prevent this) it will have “stem” for the LSM!
    The LSM hates Americans and “the ends justify the means”!


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