Would anything make Super Tuesday more super than Elizabeth Warren losing her home state of Massachusetts?
That’s a rhetorical question because the answer is obviously no, nothing would make Super Tuesday more super than Elizabeth Warren losing her home state.
How unfortunate for her.
*snicker* *snicker-snicker* *snort*
She couldn’t even win Pocahontas county
Her know-it-all schoolmarm smarm is a put-off even a virtual signaling progressive paradise. That’s’ a pretty damn funny.
Election 2000
If Al Gore won his own state of Tennessee, there wouldn’t have been a Florida recount.
To think that Massachusettes rejected Scott Brown over every man’s screeching ex-wife?
Saved By The Bell had a screech, but she’s out-performing him.
The spin will be: Massachusetts loves me so much, they didn’t want to lose me.
I told her a woman could never be elected president. Who’s right now, bitch?
She’s an Okie; we have enough of our own idiots in Massachusetts…we don’t need to claim all of the outlanders as ours.
If she’d just married one of those Kennedy kids she would be dead by now.