Nolte: The Year CNN’s Chris Cuomo Embraced Violence and Blacklists – IOTW Report

Nolte: The Year CNN’s Chris Cuomo Embraced Violence and Blacklists

Breitbart: It is pretty easy to laugh at CNN’s Chris Cuomo, but you have to say this for him… Fredo might not be all that smart, but at least he has a high opinion of himself. Oh, and he does have the highest rated show on CNN, which is kind of like bragging about how you worked harder than anyone else on Heaven’s Gate.

Other than a super-sized ego writing checks his IQ can’t cash, there is something else Cuomo has in common with Fredo. If you recall The Godfather, driven by his insecurities, although he was an idiot, Fredo was still a gangster, a tad evil, a bad guy. And this year, driven by his own ego, insecurities, and unquenchable hatred of the right, Cuomo has revealed the same about himself.

We will begin with Cuomo’s embrace and encouragement of gangsterism, of political violence against the political right.

As every decent person knows, Antifa is a left-wing terrorist group responsible for countless acts of violence against the right, and not just against the alt-right (not that any kind of violence against anyone is okay). In today’s political climate, everyday Republicans are serially menaced, beaten, and bullied at the hands of this organized gang of left-wing thugs.

This likely explains why Cuomo volunteered this year to be Antifa’s most outspoken and energetic cheerleader, defender, and Baghdad Bob.

In August, Cuomo made this pompous pronouncement in defense of Antifa’s brutality: “All punches are not equal morally… Drawing a moral equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting it, because they both resort to violence emboldens hate, legitimized hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out.” [Emphasis added throughout]  MORE HERE

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