Breitbart: Unless the mayor of Seattle or the governor of Washington request federal help, President Trump should leave the CHAZ alone.
For those who don’t know, CHAZ stands for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone; it’s a six-block confederacy, a government-free zone (that actually sounds pretty good!), an area of downtown Seattle occupied by the left-wing terrorists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The police station within the CHAZ has been abandoned, border walls have been built, and vigilantes with high-capacity firearms are now the law.
There are about 500 residences within this CHAZ, 500 people who did not vote to be ruled by this CHAZ and its warlords, 500 properties whose values have plummeted… But these are people who almost certainly voted for the Democrats who are standing by and allowing this CHAZ to continue, so haha.
Apparently, there has been a name change. The CHAZ is now CHOP… Which probably stands for Communist Havoc On Parade…
Anyway, who cares? I live in Rural America, and as I’ve said before, out here in MAGA Land, the collapse of these Democrat-run cities plays out on my 60-inch plasma like a fascinating reality show called Toldjaso!
Unfortunately, one person who cares is President Trump, who on more than one occasion has announced his intent to liberate the CHAZ from its occupiers, which is a terrible idea.
Let’s start with the obvious: Ruby Ridge and Waco. CHAZ is not a perfect comparison. Neither of those unforgivable catastrophes of federal law enforcement overreach involved the occupation of someone else’s property. That’s actually a big difference, but still…
Federal troops clearing out six city blocks of the Woke Taliban is exactly what the Woke Taliban want. MORE
h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.
I absolutely agree! The only thing that would happen as a result of the Feds moving in is 6 months of bad press. Hell, let Seattle implode on itself.
I agree. But any other “Chaz start up” in any other city should be squashed right away.
They call it CHoP now for several reasons, one is the use of the guillotine from 1793 always a fave of the Left.
I say let CHoP Rot.
These idiots have taken delusions of grandeur and raised it to a whole new level. Let them stew in their own juices.
I care about Seattle not one whit.
Do as you wish.
Blanket the area with flyers that the people who want to leave have 24 hours to get out.
After that, turn off the water, electricity, and jam the cell phone signals. Let the shit get real and see what happens.
I am tired of this crap.
Trump says he’s going to do something about it, the left says no way. Trump’s sits back and eats popcorn and gets a bunch of other stuff done.. Then the left eats it’s self and asks why Trump didn’t do anything?
God, these people are brick heads.
Trying my darnedest to suppress an epic rant. Seattle is lost territory. Virginia probably is, too.
I’ll save my rant for a later date.
That is not to say that I am not in a full rolling boil.
Thanks to Governor Blackface.
I will leave it alone for the moment.
Communist House of Pancakes
I think that is Trump’s strategery on this. Rail about it so it stays on the news and the commie mayor and governor lay on the support for the commies on Capitol Hill. Great optics for persuading normals of the danger the demoCOMMUNIST party poses to them. But no action that will get him called Hitler, for the thousand and seventh time.
@PHenry – Portland next, after that San Francisco and LA. It’s a gonna happen no doubt. They tried in Asheville and Nashville, where the fuck else now?
I will keep this simple, there was a story about a body that was found on the side of a local highway bound and gagged SET ON FIRE.
Have you heard about this one yet?? No I bet not.
Here’s another one for ya, a shootout in the Bronx a couple of nights ago? At a graduation party at 11:00 at night in a public park, or the edge of a park, that allows the drive by ya see.
Have you heard about that one yet?? No I bet not.
I live near the Gate of the Enemy. One of the many gates we might live near or next to, like those iOTWer’s that live near Seattle.
They are trying to ‘draw us out’ and that is a mistake to take such provocation right now.
They are stompping their Nike and other sneakers filled feet right now. IN ONE WAY or another, they will get theirs, in the end.
Orange Man Bad should keep his hands off. Seattle is rotten to the core because of life long liberal democrats. Let rioters tear the place apart. There is a chance, a small chance, that destroying ten million dollars worth of worth of property a day can make a few democrats wise up.
If Trump leaves it alone and it destroys itself then the left will condemn him for not doing anything. If he does something the left will condemn him for trying to destroy dissent.
I am getting tired of those MFers.
What’s with the Democrats absolute silence on the firearms being brandished about? Guess it depends on who’s side has them.🤔
Shh if we don’t acknowledge it, it’s not real..
Dems on pantyfa gunz
I’m all for it. Let them destroy it from within. Soon, it will be Antifa vs BLM and the war starts…please let it happen.
Let every liberal city implode into a heap of ashes. Let them defund the cops, loot and riot, burn their atrocious and dreadful city of miscreants until it’s no more.
I’m supposed to care about them? lol
I don’t care if they cease to exist and are gone forever.
Let Seattle burn. Closer to home, let Richmond burn, too.
Radicals are in charge. I don’t care. The leftists built that. Let them own it.
Burn down the Governor’s mansion in Richmond.
Don’t care.
Trump should not take the bait. Let them implode on themselves and remain as blameless as possible, even though they will fault him regardless.
It was clear with the action Seattle took today to reinforce their boarder with new blocks prepared to be used as an art project that Seattle is totally on board so let them deal with it. It will be like Occupy Wall Street which turned into hell holes where the participants were victimized by each other, hunger, theft and lack of hygiene along with sexual assaults are common and eventually the weather gets too much to tolerate or perhaps the colleges reopen and the scum bags move back to their campuses. In any case not our problem and we shouldn’t turn it into our problem.
If you’re getting your “news” about Seattle from hyper-ventilating drama junkies, you’re not getting the real or, even, the entire story.
This piece, above, is a good case in point. There are so many inacurracies. Let’s start with the physical location of Capitol Hill. First off, it’s not in the downtown core of Seattle. It’s east of this big thing that divides it from downtown, called the freeway (I-5). Second, CHOP is not even in the heart of the Capitol Hill neighborhood. There is a large string of shops and restaurants running north of there on Broadway. The old, expensive homes are also way north of CHOP; north of the main Capitol Hill business area.
Those “six square blocks” of so-called downtown Seattle (which it isn’t), is comprised of a gigantic soccer/play field and what the Seattle Times reports is a “quirky, bar-friendly” area of Capitol Hill. That’s gay speak for “lots of places to pick up or be picked up by someone of your same sex.”
And speaking of gay: Capitol Hill used to be called “Swish Hill” way back in the day (mid-70’s) because that’s pretty much where most of Seattle’s gay men took up residence. Capitol Hill is the home of the Bailey Boushay House; begun as an end-of-life care center for (mostly gay men) with HIV/AIDS.
Besides the bars and the police precinct, the other entities nearby are Seattle University and Seattle Central Community College. There are also some light industry like an auto repair (which got vandalized).
Not that it should matter, but 500 residences said to be within the surrounding CHOP area are mostly mult-unit apartments. There are some single-family residences, but they are few. Either way, people choose to live in that area of Capitol Hill usually because they are gay (not that it should matter), and nearly all of them are life-long Democrat voters and supporters of anything Democrat, no matter how stupid their policies.
So, I have less than zero sympathy for this guy, “Brandon”, who broke down in tears throughout his interview:
“I’m scared,” Brandon said. “I’ve been scared every day since Sunday, and I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep. For the first time in my life in Capitol Hill, I hear gunshots every single night. I’ve heard people screaming every single night outside. And they’re not protest screams … I’ve also heard screams of terror out there, and I don’t know what’s happening out there.”
Well, “Brandon”, how does it feel to have given your full-throated support to the people who have now turned on you? And how do you think it feels to the rest of Seattle when you take over Capitol Hill, Fremont, and Wallingford every year so that you and your friends can ride their bikes naked and flaunt their bare asses in their leather chaps?
It’s only a matter of degrees, “Brandon.” Tell us where the line got crossed for you.
Watch “Brandon” cry:
The plot is so wide, and so pervasive – they did an excellent job.
The heartbreak is how many on our side have sold out to the left and to China: Mattis, Sessions, Roberts, the GOPe – the list goes on for a mile.
Hire a crop duster and spray them with sugar water twice a day
Let the flies evict them
Chaz seems to be rather well connected. And financed.
Reinforce their wall.
Trump should totally ignore failed democrat enclaves.
It is a total trap.Anything goes south(which it will) is Trumps fault.
From a Cannuck.
President Trump knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He brings attention to the democrat failures, he threatens to move the feds in to fix the problem, knowing full well that Washington’s sue-happy AG will immediately file a motion in a friendly federal court. Court will issue an order to the president to not send in the troops. The occupation will persist, and the president will rightly say he tried, but the courts stopped him.
I’m also from Seattle. I agree with Abigale Adams post except that Capital Hill is not known as Swish Hill but The Swish Alps. As Abigale Adams explained, CHAZ is nothing more than the most radical people in Seattle taking over their own neighborhood. While infuriating when you first hear about it, this is actually quite silly. Unfortunately, I have to unavoidably go up there tomorrow for work. Wish me luck. 🙂 And yes, I will be armed.
Stay safe, RPK
Whoa, alarming info, Bad_Brad. Dubai!? Do the Saudis really think they can sneak around funding domestic terrorists in the United States without President Trump knowing about it.
They’re not dealing with Barry, a fellow Muslim.
It appears President Trump may be allowing these criminal anarchists enough rope to rack up as much federal violations as possible so charges are thick as molasses – something will stick.
The CHAZ/CHOP warlord, crew and financial “backers” are in for a bumpy ride after the “Summer of BLM” implodes. They wont get to just walk away from the disaster they created without consequences.
My fist thoughts were to close it off shutting down electricity, water, sewage, and cell phones. Letting it run it’s course as a product of the Democrat political machine has its value. It will implode and there will be more casualties.
Starve them out. Cut off all electricity, natural gas, food, water and communications. No one allowed in. Send survivors to Gitmo to await trial. If they dare shoot, shoot back. Use snipers, be selective.