Nolte: Woodward Book, Anonymous NYTimes Op-Ed Reveal Trump’s Done Nothing Wrong – IOTW Report

Nolte: Woodward Book, Anonymous NYTimes Op-Ed Reveal Trump’s Done Nothing Wrong

Big Government:

Trump has done nothing wrong.

Remember that…

As the corrupt media fabricate a “fitness for office” crisis, remember…

Trump has done nothing wrong.

Even those hiding behind anonymity, even those hiding behind those hiding behind anonymity, no one has made a single allegation that Trump has done anything wrong.

All this ginned up media hysteria, all this Never Trump nonsense about the 25th Amendment, all this #Resistance adulation over a glory-seeking narcissist hiding behind the skirts of the New York Times — where is this narcissist’s allegation of wrongdoing?

Go back and read the piece — there’s no allegation of wrongdoing on Trump’s part, just a coward, a preener, a saboteur with no respect for the Constitution, no respect for our electoral system, and even less respect for the American people who voted to put Trump in charge as opposed to an unelected cabal of Deep Staters.

All this hand-wringing, all this frenzy, all this invented concern over chaos in the White House, over this unprecedented moment in presidential history, what is it really about…?

No, ask yourself that.

Stop for a moment.

Take a breath.

Close your eyes.

Turn off Chuck Todd.

Put away the iPhone.

And ask yourself, what is this concocted five-alarm Constitutional crisis built on?

If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that it is built on only one thing… Grade-A, 100 percent horseshit.

Even if everything Woodward’s anonymous sources say is true… So what?

Even if everything the New York Times narcissist says is true… So what?

Look at what these failures and liars and grifters are trying to con you with… Because it has nothing to do with illegality, nothing to do with substance, and everything to do with style MORE

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.
[PS. Happy B-day!]

6 Comments on Nolte: Woodward Book, Anonymous NYTimes Op-Ed Reveal Trump’s Done Nothing Wrong

  1. I think the fact there is nothing concrete in the op-ed is more proof this was a total fabrication by the NYT editorial staff. The purpose was yet another attempt to try and drive President Trump nuts trying to find a Phantom. I hope he didn’t take the bait.

  2. He needs to get rid of Jeff Sessions and find an AG who will throw the book at anyone breaking Federal law, past and present.

    That’s what the MSM/Cabal has been trying to head off with their fictitious witch hunt.

  3. This is the work of Francis. He has secretly resigned as Pope and is the leader of the Globalist Religion, hosting pizza parties and worshiping his true lord and master, Satan.


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