‘Non-Binary’ Dem Socialist U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as ‘a symbol of the work we have to do’ – IOTW Report

‘Non-Binary’ Dem Socialist U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as ‘a symbol of the work we have to do’

Blaze: ‘There is not going to be a more convenient revolution’

The donkey has long been the symbol of the Democratic Party since President Andrew Jackson embraced his detractors labeling him “a jackass” in 1828, but a Democratic Senate candidate in Maine may have a rebrand in mind.

Bre Kidman unveiled a new campaign logo last week: a guillotine, the execution apparatus commonly associated with the French Revolution that was used for the beheadings of King Louis XVI and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. But fear not, Kidman, who hopes to challenge Republican Sen. Susan Collins in November, says using an image of the deadly device in campaign materials is not meant to be taken literally.

“We’re not going to start a guillotine in Monument Square (in Portland) and start beheading people,” Kidman clarified to the Portland Press-Herald. “It’s a symbol of the work we have to do to overcome flaws in our system – flaws that have become deeply evident in the last few weeks.”more

SNIP: I don’t think Susan Collins will have any problem whipping this freak.

19 Comments on ‘Non-Binary’ Dem Socialist U.S. Senate candidate unveils campaign logo: The guillotine as ‘a symbol of the work we have to do’

  1. If “her side” uses a guillotine, her opponents, of whom there will be a much larger number, will use something superior. Cartridges are cheaper, more portable, more concealable, and work from a safe distance. They’re anonymous, too, if you’re careful.

  2. “… used for the beheadings of King Louis XVI and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette.”

    And for 170,000 other frogs. Robespierre and Marat went on a killing frenzy unequaled before their time. Of course, the socialist revolutions that followed in its wake were more murderous, by far, but the frogs set the stage, so to speak. Terror became policy – then and forever. The State became, no longer a collection of criminals, but a CRIME in and of itself.

    Communists (obviously) look wistfully at 1789, hoping, once again, to drown the Earth in blood.

    What we tolerate, we get.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Are these people high when they come up with campaign logos? Is that a prerequisite?

    Hillary’s Hospital “H” sign
    Joe’s “No Malarkey Tour”
    The DNC’s toilet lid (bathroom) sign
    Obama’s Pepsi can
    Sander’s “Feel the Bern” (ewwww! on so many levels)

    Or are they all communications majors from Berkeley?

  4. We do not want to kill the other side unless it is in self defense. We simply want to be free from the slavery they impose upon us via socialism and the welfare state. They on the other hand want to impose their will with whatever force they deem necessary to hold onto their tyranny and parasitical ways of life.

  5. Awww… Listen to all the “well regulated” cucks cuckling.

    Boots on the ground, cuckys. First come, first served.

    If the Democratic-Socialists beat the beardy theocrats to the town square, I, not only for one, will welcome our new tranny overlords. It, truly, would be tragic if your couches were to float away. But I’m sure there’s a contingency plan, for that. When the time comes. Same as it ever is.

  6. Politicians, and companies of all types use marketing sluts to devise these slogans and icons. Everywhere we look we see this marketing crap.

    I more and more dislike them. They are designed for the stupidest people. They attempt to encompass in a few words or a simple picture what a politician or product is offering. It is bare-bones stupidity for the masses who can barely read and rarely think any thoughts outside of what the media and entertainment industries want them to think.

  7. Of course the jackass is the perfect mascot for the din party.

    Lazy, stupid, ugly, funny looking, has to be fed by others, cowardly, and wont do any kind of physical labor unless you beat it

  8. America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.

    — Claire Wolfe, 1996

    That was a quarter century ago.
    Just when, exactly, will it stop being too early? A slow-motion assault with lethal weapons is still an assault with lethal weapons. It is not only justified but also morally required to defend yourself, your family, and your property when so attacked. And we are being so attacked right now and have been for decades.


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