Non-citizen Immigrants Voted Illegally In Pennsylvania Elections – IOTW Report

Non-citizen Immigrants Voted Illegally In Pennsylvania Elections

DC: A Pennsylvania election official confirmed Wednesday that noncitizen immigrants illegally voted in elections hundreds of times since 2000, casting doubt on the state’s ability to screen out ineligible voters on its election roles.

Jonathan Marks, commissioner for Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation, told a state legislative committee that an agency analysis found 544 improper ballots cast between 2000 through 2017.

The election commission says those ballots were cast by noncitizen immigrants who claim they had mistakenly registered to vote, reports the Associated Press. In response to questions from Republican lawmakers, the commission said it was investigating if other noncitizen immigrants remain registered to vote.

The hearing comes two weeks after former Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortes abruptly resigned amid disclosures that legal resident noncitizens were able to register to vote while applying for or renewing drivers licenses. After inquires from Republican state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the Pennsylvania State Department said it had records of 1,160 canceled voter registrations listing ineligibility as a reason and had put the issue under review.  read more

9 Comments on Non-citizen Immigrants Voted Illegally In Pennsylvania Elections

  1. “… those ballots were cast by noncitizen immigrants who claim they had mistakenly registered to vote.

    gee … wonder how many ballots were cast by ‘noncitizen immigrants’ that didn’t mistakenly registered to vote?

  2. Bill Clinton created this fraud with Motor Voter. Couple that with noncitizen drivers licenses.
    The electoral system has been compromised in every state.

    No wonder democrats were shocked they lost.

    They just didn’t cheat enough.

  3. I’ll remind you that Motor Voter was established in 1993, some 24 years ago, under the guise that there was too little involvement in the electoral process.

    Dirty rat bastard has brought in the illegals, the criminals, the first time driver teens into the voting booth.

    Revert back to stakeholders only. Land owners only.

  4. off topic … ABC & AP are now reporting that the Las Vegas shooter’s hard drive was removed from his laptop in the hotel … & the law dogs don’t know where it is

    … any relation to the ‘wounded’ ‘security guard’ & his mysterious trip to Mexico?

  5. “At his testimony Wednesday, Marks said a glitch in the states transportation department’s “Motor Voter” process was responsible for the improper voter registrations. He told lawmakers the issue will be fixed within several months…”


  6. I’d say it’s the “tip of the iceberg” but the iceberg’s tip is only 10% of its mass, and I’m fairly certain that voter fraud is more rampant in PA than, say, 5000 votes.
    Philadelphia, alone, accounts for more than that!
    A stupid lie to cover a more grotesque falsity.
    Vote fraud should be considered (because it IS) treason – both the “voter” itself, and the enabler – should be put to death for “undermining the Republic.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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