Non-Profit Group From Colorado Sues To Overturn Results Of Georgia Special Election – IOTW Report

Non-Profit Group From Colorado Sues To Overturn Results Of Georgia Special Election



Democrats thought they had the special election in Georgia all wrapped up but the Republican candidate Karen Handel won instead. Now an out of state non-profit group is demanding that the election results be overturned.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Georgia voters, Colorado nonprofit sue to overturn special election results in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District

A group of Georgia voters and a Colorado-based watchdog organization filed a lawsuit late Monday asking a judge to overturn the results of last month’s 6th Congressional District special election and scrap the state’s voting system, Colorado Politics has learned.


23 Comments on Non-Profit Group From Colorado Sues To Overturn Results Of Georgia Special Election

  1. How does a CO non-profit have legal standing in GA?

    If a non-profit is actualizing political activism, then why are they not being stripped of their non-profit status by the IRS?

    Just curious. Doesn’t make sense. Seems like a bunch of trolls.

  2. But, but, but ….. I thought it was un-American to refuse to accept the results of a democratic election.

    My mistake – now I remember that was their mantra BEFORE Hillary was mutilated by the Trump train.

    The article claimed that some republicans are part of the suit as well. Why do I suspect this is just more fake news from the left?

  3. “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”
    “There’s no evidence of voting fraud!”

    Until the other guys win.

  4. Im sure “Coalition for Good Governance” will be filling suits forcing the states to cooperate with President Trump’s iniative to prevent voter fraud. The one where all the Democrat leaders are vowing not to cooperate.

  5. Why suit in Colorado? Obama judge?

    How long have states wanted to clean up voter logs and verify voter qualifications?? Too long.

    Hey democRATS, the horse is hitched in front of the wagon.

  6. What the Georgia State House must do when this nuisance suit is dismissed is to countersue all the parties to the original suit both as a group and personally. Sue them right into the poor house.

  7. They thought with all the money they pumped in here (single most expensive house of reps election EVER) they had the election in the bag. We did have some really funny commercials here showing how much San Francisco supported Ossof.

    But the voters thought otherwise.

    District six (might as well say Cobb county) is shifting from the conservative bastion it used to be. For Ossof to get the votes he did it shows a creeping influx of transplanted liberals.

  8. Typical democrats. They’re all for democracy until the vote doesn’t go their way. then they rush to have the results overturned through the court system.

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