Nonprofits Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis – IOTW Report

Nonprofits Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis

The Free Press:
While the border crisis has become a major liability for President Biden, threatening his reelection chances, it’s become a huge boon to a group of nonprofits getting rich off government contracts.

Although the federally funded Unaccompanied Children Program is responsible for resettling unaccompanied migrant minors who enter the U.S., it delegates much of the task to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that run shelters in the border states of Texas, Arizona, and California.

And with the recent massive influx of unaccompanied children—a record 130,000 in 2022, the last year for which there are official stats—the coffers of these NGOs are swelling, along with the salaries of their CEOs.

“The amount of taxpayer money they are getting is obscene,” Charles Marino, former adviser to Janet Napolitano, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Obama, said of the NGOs. “We’re going to find that the waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money will rival what we saw with the Covid federal money.” more here

11 Comments on Nonprofits Are Making Billions off the Border Crisis

  1. the hotels in nyc are certainly benefiting. they’re charging top dollar for the rooms they put the illegals in. they’re full, every night. meals, too.

  2. Should do as all the rest of the sensible Democrats do, sell off as many as you can & eat the rest, yummy & tender. Those darn republicans stick it to their family like most of those hill-folk types. Imbreads the whole lot of em. Justa pick’n & a grin’n, Ye haw.

  3. Old news.
    Catholic Charities makes something like $1500 per illegal they bring in.
    They give them nothing but instructions on how to get on the taxpayer funded government dole.

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