NORAD Hopes To Secure The Skies On Super Bowl Game Day – IOTW Report

NORAD Hopes To Secure The Skies On Super Bowl Game Day

No SuperBalloons, then?

AZI: The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has not performed up to standard recently, but it is hoping it can secure the skies around the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 12.

NORAD aircraft will be enforcing the Federal Aviation Administration’s temporary flight restricted zone during Sunday’s game. NORAD employs a layered defense network of radars, satellites, and fighter aircraft to identify aircraft and determine the appropriate response.

Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) has conducted this particular mission for every Super Bowl since 2002. more

24 Comments on NORAD Hopes To Secure The Skies On Super Bowl Game Day

  1. FOX is Yapping that there is a 3rd Balloon Floating over Canuckistan as per NORAD.

    Meanwhile, Justine’s busy changing the batteries on his Ass Vibrator…

  2. What a joke. The Canadian air command just alerted NORAD of a high flyer over the Yukon. They had to scramble an F22 from the US to come up and shoot it down. That’s three UFOs we’ve shot out of the skies now and they’re tracking another one. Canada’s a joke. And our NORAD pardner. Why?

  3. Apparently,

    “Canada & the US” shot it down. – FOX currently

    Your Plane, Our radar & under Common NORAD command? (My ass)

    We all know that most likely it’s F-15, F-22 that are capable of the speed, altitude, & shoot capability.

    My understanding is that F-18 has a lower ceiling etc.

  4. Brad,

    We were not like that a few decades when NORAD was created.
    We used to have F-104’s & custody of Nuclear weapons but then Pierre Eliot Turdeau, many other pussies, & Now the Son-of-a-Slut Justine Turdeau.

    F-35 were on Order, Cancelled By Justine 8-ish years ago & Just Re-Ordered 2 months ago at a higher price by the little slut & his liberal Grifters.

    But DON’T WORRY, if you need help, we have Hockey Sticks, Beer & Crown Royal. I can be there in a week.

    And we have 3 of the 10 longest sniper kills in the world at 1, 5 & 6.
    You guys start at 7, 8, & 10.

    If we didn’t disarm our own military we would be quite effective.


  5. Brad,

    Not even close.

    1 US Carrier has more air power than our whole Cunt tree.

    Our defence minister is late for her press conference as we speak. Waiting for her Makeup to get finished up for the CBC. ugly

    Canadian Bullshit Channel –

  6. Anand,

    “we believe that the object is cylindrical in shape.”

    Speaking like a blithering Idiot with absolutely NO MILITARY experience or interest. She sounds like a grade school art teacher.

    She is completely LOST.

  7. Lame as b-boy has better plan, just hide your head in a pile of dung & it will all go away cause Donny said it will. Everything his says is the gold standard & 100% b-boy approved.

  8. Bob M.

    At least they Fly F-18’s.

    Canadian Snow Birds fly:
    Canadair CT-114 Tudor
    It looks like Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman Plane except it’s NOT Invisible and Has Killed more Canadian Pilots than anything since the 1st Iraq War.

    Great Pilots & People, Horrifically UNFUNDED.




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