North Carolina Blowback Intensifies on Richard Burr’s Rogue Subpoena – IOTW Report

North Carolina Blowback Intensifies on Richard Burr’s Rogue Subpoena


The intense home state backlash against Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, for issuing a rogue subpoena of President Donald Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump, Jr., has only gotten worse in the days since news came out about Burr’s questionable move.

“The people of North Carolina are very upset about this,” Wayne King, the deputy chief of staff to Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and former vice chairman of the North Carolina GOP, said on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel. “They’re very upset about the attack on the president’s family and the attack on the president, and you can’t call it anything else but that–it’s an attack on the president and the first family. I’ve spent a good bit of time with Donald Trump, Jr., and he’s such a nice man–and for his family and him to have to go through this once again is just unbelievable to me. As a private citizen, he should be just that–a private citizen. Sen. Burr’s not running again, and his seat will be up in 2022, so there’s not any electoral repercussions [for him], but certainly people are talking about it and they’re very upset about it. I think that’s the reason Sen. Tillis came out so strongly against it, because he knew that that is not supported in North Carolina.”

King also said that the subpoena is indefensible and meant to “target” not only President Trump but the president’s whole family.

“I don’t understand that either. To subpoena a private citizen who’s already appeared before and testified some 25 hours is unbelievable to me,” King said. “It’s a target to the president’s family. It’s a target to the president. And it’s a problem, it’s a problem in this state, it’s a problem nationally, and the truth of the matter is when Leader McConnell says that the investigation is over, it should be over. We obviously have the Mueller report, which obviously the president was vindicated in that report in my opinion, and now they want to circle back again? It’s unbelievable. We control the U.S. Senate–now we need to act like we control the U.S. Senate.”  more here

19 Comments on North Carolina Blowback Intensifies on Richard Burr’s Rogue Subpoena

  1. Check the good Senators phone and email records along with his bank accounts and all his financial dealings for the last six months. It may be interesting to check to see what happens to him after he leaves the Senate. Something smells like its gone bad and I think it’s a Senator.

  2. Corker redux.

    Who wants to be the next Jeff Flake? Working for CBS now and likely the one writing assassinate Trump and swatting Stephen Miller into the storylines.

  3. probably warner has something on him, which he probably go† from clinton.
    that would be my guess.

    “The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee communicated through phone calls and text messages last spring with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch in order to gain access to Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the salacious and unverified anti-Trump dossier.
    Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) texted back and forth with lobbyist Adam Waldman, who runs the Endeavor Group — which has ties to (surprise!) Hillary Clinton — while leading the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia with his Republican colleague North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr.
    In one text to the lobbyist, the senator expressed a desire to “not have a paper trail” of his messages. He suggested in another text that he did not want Burr or any other senator included in the discussions.”

    “…the senator expressed a desire to “not have a paper trail”…”
    yeah, he’s corrupt as hell

  4. Of course not. Were we related I would have humiliated his ass at Thanksgiving and beaten him senseless with a titanium riding crop for Christmas.

    Like, back in 2002.

    It doesn’t stop me from sending him Kwanza cards every year though.

  5. It’s unbelievable. We control the U.S. Senate

    Really? Are you sure about that? Because it doesn’t seem to be the case.

    now we need to act like we control the U.S. Senate

    Oh! You’re just acting. Well, “Let’s get ready to rummmmmble!”
    (And then all go split the take.)

  6. My Dad din’t name me Richard because he didn’t want me to go through life known as “Little Dick” or challenged and being told I can’t fight you because you’d “lick me Dick”…..similar experience Aaron?….

    And NOBODY wants a dick burr….

  7. Completely different experience.

    I was running a niteclub, eating some focaccia bread when some idiots pulled up to the curb. They asked for directions, I had my mouth full but tried to tell them where to go anyway. My bouncer said, “what are you, Aaron Burr?” Because that milk commercial where the curator of the Aaron Burr museum has a mouth full of peanut butter was popular.

    Long story short, I gave those people directions to the ghetto instead and became known as “Aaron” as an in joke. It just stuck, for like… years.

  8. @AAron Burr… THAT is a funny story

    @ other Burr…The epitome of a crooked politician. Im surprised he’s not fatter than nadler. Should have a big fat stogie in his mouth and a beautiful young female on each arm.

  9. The other Burr was awesome. Seriously. The reason people think he’s a bad guy is because Alexander Hamilton ran the New York post. Burr was literally one of the first victims of a sustained American media smear campaign.

    Trust me, you get a nickname like that, you learn a few things.

  10. Every state should have a recall vote, since it’s doubtful the 17th amendment will ever be repealed. Then it should be listed on the ballot, their voting record and bullshit like this because far too many voters are ignorant and pay no attention to what the bastards do once they’re in D.C.

  11. I heard that ballots in England have a line “No Vote” if no vote wins, the election is re-run with all new names on the ballots. We will never be allowed to have it, no doubt. How many times did we have to vote for someone who was a toss up of two losers.

  12. Warner has been in charge of that committee since the beginning. Bur is a rubber stamp for Warner. Donald trump Junior should definitely NOT appear as this is nothing but a perjury trap. To get to the president one way or another. To take the testimony seriously of a witness (Cohen) that pled guilty to lying to congress and use as a basis to subpoena witness who has already testified stinks of a perjury trap.


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