North Carolina: Democrat Mayor Tells Young Children to ‘Slide Into’ Her DMs – IOTW Report

North Carolina: Democrat Mayor Tells Young Children to ‘Slide Into’ Her DMs

“Slide into” means to DM someone you are not friends with, with the intention of being more than just friends.

National File: Stacy Phillips, who currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem of Huntersville, NC, told children to “slide into” her DMs if they live in a “don’t say gay state.” After backlash, Phillips deleted the tweet and locked her Twitter account. more

23 Comments on North Carolina: Democrat Mayor Tells Young Children to ‘Slide Into’ Her DMs

  1. …you know, back when the cops would do things besides get beat up by Democrats and arrest Republicans, and prosecutors would actually prosecute crimes instead of political views, they used to run “sting” operations where a 50 year old cop would get on the Interweb and contact people like this to see where it went, and if it went to a hotel room that hotel room would be filled with cops that would welcome the perp who’s expecting to sex up a 14 year old with open arms and closed fists.

    That’s what should have happened here. Have a cop pose as a gay child and see where “sliding in” leads.

    I’m willing to bet it would have led to an attempted child rape.

    …but its kind of a moot point now. No prosecutor would go after even an openly pedophile Democrat.

    Because Pedo Biden would be in jail a dozen times over based on just what’s appeared on TV if they WOULD.

  2. Brad MARCH 13, 2022 AT 2:09 PM
    ‘“Slide in”? Find the keys and we’ll both drive out.’

    …there’s two old stories that would seem to fit here.

    One is when a guy goes at a woman like this and because he fails to tie a stick to his butt, he falls in. After wandering for a bit in the strange and smelly landscape, he comes across another man who appears to be having similar problems. This man, however tells him that he can’t leave until he finds the horse he came in after.

    The other is about a woman like this who was trying to impress a man with the tightness of her aperture. She tells him, “Put one finger in”. He does, then she says, “put two fingers in”. He does, then she says, “put your whole hand in”. He does that as well, then she further instructs him to put his OTHER hand in as well. Having done this, she says, “Now, clap!”

    He replies, “I can’t”.

    At which she smiles and says, “Tight, huh?”

    (yes, juvenile, I know. Just seems appropriate about a groomer such as this, somehow…)

  3. IOW, she’s carrying water for satan and his gang. Evil.

    Best Twitter reply: “OK, groomer.” And that’s precisely what she’s proposing by telling kids she’ll be there secret, special “aunty”. No difference between her and a man telling kids he’ll be their special “uncle” on the sly.

    I just remarked to a woman with school-aged kids that parents need to remember that there are people in our society who wake up in the morning thinking of ways to get their child(ren). There are predators out there whose full-time hobby is figuring out ways to get their pedo fix. And the Democrats, as a group, appear to be one of the largest groups of them. Just look at the laws they want passed.


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