North Carolina: Dirtbag Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham’s text messages reveal extra-marital affair – IOTW Report

North Carolina: Dirtbag Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham’s text messages reveal extra-marital affair

National File: North Carolina Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham is swapping sexts and arranging to meet with the wife of an Army veteran, NATIONAL FILE has exclusively learned. Arlene Guzman Todd is the female paramour of candidate Cunningham, according to a friend of Guzman Todd’s in North Carolina who spoke with our source. NATIONAL FILE has obtained sexual text messages exchanged between Cunningham and Guzman Todd.

Cal Cunningham, who is a married father of two, has focused his U.S. Senate campaign against Republican Thom Tillis on Cunningham’s service as a veteran in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Cunningham is evidently engaged in extramarital activity with the wife of a fellow veteran. more


CAL-ifornication: Meet The California Lobbyist Having An Affair With Democrats’ 50 Million Dollar Man.

As expected, Cunningham (D) is not dropping out of the race.
More on that, and his wife, here

19 Comments on North Carolina: Dirtbag Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham’s text messages reveal extra-marital affair

  1. we may be ‘deplorable’, but the (D) behind d’rats stands for ‘despicable’, ‘dirty’, ‘degenerate’, ‘disgusting’, ‘demented’, ‘diabolical’, ‘destructive’, ‘disgraceful’, ‘disastrous’, dehumanizing’, ‘demonic’ dodo’s

    … & any other one’s you’d like to add

  2. So this poor guy, Todd is over there risking his life for his country, 5 tours in Afghanistan, serves 19 years, and is denied his final year of service (and retirement) because his health was ruined (by serving), and while he was over seas, his slut wife (a professor, don’t you know) is banging this POS politician. And Cunningham will probably get elected because democrat!

  3. Aw c’mon man: adultery, human trafficking, philandry, pedophilia, and bestiality are among the major resume’ enhancers for most if not all (d)s, right up there with deceit, extortion, theft, graft, rape and murder…

  4. “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.”
    (Edwards, (LA – D) about 40 years ago – the bar has dropped)

    Elect maggots; get maggot government.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Fellow demorat scumbags are urging him not to drop out. They see this as the edge he needs to motivate demorat voters. This story was the shot in the arm his campaign needed. Blantifa warned him if he even considered dropping out they would burn his house down and kill his family. He responded to Blantifa by assuring them he is still in it, hes even looking for a new 11 year old girl to rape.

  6. Just Democrats being Democrats, Cunningham and Guzman-Todd. Now the Army guy can pay child support (and maybe alimony?) until the kids are on-their-own for the privilege of his brides hypergamy driven cheating.


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