North Carolina: Inmate charged with ‘ethnic intimidation’ for sullying cellmate’s koran – IOTW Report

North Carolina: Inmate charged with ‘ethnic intimidation’ for sullying cellmate’s koran

Geller Report:

Inmate charged with a crime after he ejaculated on copy of cellmate’s koran.

Since when is “disrespect” indictable in the United States?  Since islamization took hold. Mandatory respect of Islam is central tenet of Islamic law (sharia), not Western law.

How is this a news story?

Yes, this was a gross thing to do, I am sure a good deal of not nice things happen in prisons across the country, so why does this matter? Because the offended party was Muslim. This is sharia law in America.

Get the jihadi a new koran. No bid deal. If this was a bible, no one would care and the media would be loving it.

I bet if the perp Jonathan Ross Compton converts to Islam and joins the jailhouse jihad (prison are huge recruitment centers for jihad terrorists), the charges will be dropped.

Supreme propagandist Ibrahim Hooper of terrorist group CAIR of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said he hopes law enforcement will treat the case no differently than a hate crime committed outside of jail walls. And I am sure the leftist dogs who step and fetch for jihad will do as commanded by their Islamic overlords.  more

30 Comments on North Carolina: Inmate charged with ‘ethnic intimidation’ for sullying cellmate’s koran

  1. As mentioned earlier, they are steadily chipping away at free speech. Disgusting that we have so very many traitors to help them in that effort.
    This country is heading straight into a big storm in the next couple of years.

  2. “Piss Christ” was celebrated by the left as groundbreaking art yet, jizz Mohammed, not even an artistic endeavor(?), is a criminal offense. Hypocrisy from the left knows no bounds.

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