North Carolina Man Wins $750,000 Lawsuit Against Wife’s Lover – IOTW Report

North Carolina Man Wins $750,000 Lawsuit Against Wife’s Lover

KFI: A North Carolina man was awarded $750,000 in damages against the man he accused of ruining his marriageKevin Howard filed the lawsuit under an obscure law that dates back to the 1800s which allows a spouse to sue another person for “purposefully interfering with the marital relationship.” North Carolina is one of seven states that still have an “Alienation of Affection” law on the books.

Howard’s wife told him she wanted a divorce and the two started attending marriage counseling in an attempt to save their marriage. Howard felt something wasn’t right during the sessions, so he hired a private investigator who discovered that his wife was cheating on him with another man. more here

SNIP: Hilarious. I wonder if she’s still seeing the other guy. LOL!

14 Comments on North Carolina Man Wins $750,000 Lawsuit Against Wife’s Lover

  1. Not really obscure, in my book, if I was talking and reading about it in the 70s when it was a relevant topic in the neighborhood back then.

    Actually took it for common knowledge. I’ve been wrong before.

    I think.

  2. You can see why the Left wanted No Fault divorce so badly. Destroy marriage, you destroy family, and you eventually destroy the country. Now there’s every legalized reason for a young man NOT to get married – with rare exception, he can do everything right but if it goes bad it will always go in the woman’s favor, no matter what SHE did. Sad.

  3. Good gawd, just think how much Web Hubbell owes Bubba. OTOH, Web could say Hillary tossed out a grudge phuk and Web was drunk, intimidated, and vulnerable at work. Web’s ‘hard’ work and tight lips may have resulted in one less mysterious case of Arkansacide. Let’s ask Vince Foster and Seth Rich, shall we?


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