North Carolina School Board Votes to Forfeit All Volleyball Games Against School With Transgender Player After Girl Was Injured – IOTW Report

North Carolina School Board Votes to Forfeit All Volleyball Games Against School With Transgender Player After Girl Was Injured

‘The coach who had “never seen a hit like this before” saw up close the power of a biological male’s overhand serve into a female’s face.’

A North Carolina school board has voted to forfeit all planned games against a school with a transgender player after a biological girl was injured by the biological male.

GP: The Cherokee County school board voted 5-1 to forfeit all district games against Highlands School, which is in the nearby Macon County School District, “due to safety concerns.”

“The County will not participate in any volleyball games, varsity or junior varsity, against Highlands due to safety concerns,” according to the minutes from the meeting.

The vote came after a female volleyball player at Hiwassee Dam High School was “forcefully struck” and injured when the transgender player spiked her in the head with a ball, according to a local station. more

14 Comments on North Carolina School Board Votes to Forfeit All Volleyball Games Against School With Transgender Player After Girl Was Injured

  1. Girls went along with playing against a team with a guy on it. Not a peep out of any of them until someone got hurt. Is that what it’s gonna take, someone getting knocked silly by a guy? Too afraid to speak out, so be it.

  2. It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. If the Republican Party is going to make a tenable case that it stands for anything, dealing with this garbage will be job one once they are back in power.

  3. Looks like the adults in charge are not much brighter than the students. Same goes for government officials as well. Maybe parents need to step up and look out for their kids.

  4. I try to defend the male sex as much as I can since society and the woke mob have pretty much put a bullseye on them, but it’s not hard to notice that a select group of males, too pussified with too little ability, testosterone, and self-respect, figured out that they don’t measure up to other males so they cheat, they punch down and play at levels not designed for them.

    Their own pathology notwithstanding this would not stand without all the enablers, too cowardly to push back. They know it’s wrong, but lacking the courage of their conviction they go along, too scared that the mob will turn on and ostracize them.

  5. That’s the deep sw mountains of the state – right across the border from Rabun Co., GA where they filmed “Deliverance.” Some good ol’ liquored up rednecks need to pay the young “Miss” a visit – I’ll bet “she/it” has a real purty mouth…

  6. @Rich Taylor October 20, 2022 at 8:00 pm

    > I try to defend the male sex as much as I can

    If that’s your best, they need to be woodchippered.

    > but it’s not hard to notice that a select group of males, too pussified with too little ability…

    Playing the rules, not the game, is what people that can see over the summit of the bell curve do.

    And what those who can not see over it kvetch about.

  7. First of all a lawsuit against the School district for allowing it to play. and an even biger law suit against that thing that did it and especially its family. BANKRUPT THEIR SORRY ASSES.


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