Trump’s legal team for the impeachment quit.
The reason? Because they don’t want to defend against the stealing of the election. They only want to defend by saying the impeachment is unconsitutional.
Bottom line: the lawyers are scared that if they defend against allegations that trump lied about the election being stolen, by presenting evidence that the election was stolen, they will be outcasts in the legal community.
they are republican lawyers.
The republican party has not and will not ever save any one of you from jack shit. They will cave to democrats. Even if you get locked in your house and your daughter is made to share a bathroom with a hairy aped man, the republican party will do exactly…..nothing.
It pains me that anyone puts an ounce of hope in those con men. And that is exactly what they are. Con men.
Lol Stirrin, if Crown Royal came in plastic liter bottles, he could make a face shield. I guess he can do a Crown & Cola combo, instead.
Whutta concept! Once the virus goes thu all that Canadian whiskey it’ll be stompin around yer system singing the Lumberjack song!
I’ve got a bunch of those bags. My grandpa’s favorite brand. Nice choice.
xxx: “Trump’s legal team for the impeachment quit.”
I thought Dershowitz was going to represent Trump. He isn’t the type to back down easily. Can you provide a link to this, please? Thanks…
I thought those were bong bags.
DRG your article is leftist propaganda. If you cut back to one meal a d eat only high fat you will loose weight. Your article that says you are too Much of a boob to do that is what weak minded libs would say
I saw a guy wearing one of those in a liquor store a month ago. He was a customer. It was a good laugh!
Some of the legal team quit. He still has lawyers. I think it is a mistake to try to litigate the election fraud. Stick with getting an acquittal. Too much bluster about the election might turn enough GOP Senators to vote against him just to shut him up.
Look, the trial is unconstitutional, the Chief Justice is not presiding, there is no evidence. Demand a dismissal for lack of standing!
Lololoooll question is, did he see a rapper do it first? Or is he setting the trend? Either way, well-played, sir.
LMAO I’m off to the liquor store to pick up my new face mask!
I like that, a compliant statement against compliance.
Next, give him a cap made out of melted red plastic and he would really hit the Mark.
Trigger did it first but kudos to the Congresscritter for pointing out the absurdity of it all.
izlamo delenda est …
Trump’s legal team for the impeachment quit.
The reason? Because they don’t want to defend against the stealing of the election. They only want to defend by saying the impeachment is unconsitutional.
Bottom line: the lawyers are scared that if they defend against allegations that trump lied about the election being stolen, by presenting evidence that the election was stolen, they will be outcasts in the legal community.
they are republican lawyers.
The republican party has not and will not ever save any one of you from jack shit. They will cave to democrats. Even if you get locked in your house and your daughter is made to share a bathroom with a hairy aped man, the republican party will do exactly…..nothing.
It pains me that anyone puts an ounce of hope in those con men. And that is exactly what they are. Con men.
Lol Stirrin, if Crown Royal came in plastic liter bottles, he could make a face shield. I guess he can do a Crown & Cola combo, instead.
Whutta concept! Once the virus goes thu all that Canadian whiskey it’ll be stompin around yer system singing the Lumberjack song!
I’ve got a bunch of those bags. My grandpa’s favorite brand. Nice choice.
xxx: “Trump’s legal team for the impeachment quit.”
I thought Dershowitz was going to represent Trump. He isn’t the type to back down easily. Can you provide a link to this, please? Thanks…
I thought those were bong bags.
DRG your article is leftist propaganda. If you cut back to one meal a d eat only high fat you will loose weight. Your article that says you are too Much of a boob to do that is what weak minded libs would say
I saw a guy wearing one of those in a liquor store a month ago. He was a customer. It was a good laugh!
Some of the legal team quit. He still has lawyers. I think it is a mistake to try to litigate the election fraud. Stick with getting an acquittal. Too much bluster about the election might turn enough GOP Senators to vote against him just to shut him up.
Look, the trial is unconstitutional, the Chief Justice is not presiding, there is no evidence. Demand a dismissal for lack of standing!