North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp Scrambles to Catch Cramer – IOTW Report

North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp Scrambles to Catch Cramer

Sara Carter: Heitkamp is trailing in polls, including her own campaign’s, with three weeks until Election Day

Heidi Heitkamp squeezed dozens of hands and posed for pictures with college students at North Dakota State University recently, bubbling with characteristic exuberance that belied the Democratic senator’s uncertain future.

“I want everybody to just do something for me,” Heitkamp said, her voice hoarse. “Everybody stand up! I want you to reach as high as you can. Now, I want you to reach about six inches higher. That’s what we’ve got to do to win! We’ve got to go higher.”

An already tenuous bid for a second term has taken on new urgency for Heitkamp since she voted against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. Heitkamp is scrambling to find her footing amid fears that the race against Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer is slipping away, and with it Democrats’ slim hopes of a Senate majority. more

5 Comments on North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp Scrambles to Catch Cramer

  1. What really has the Democratic Party in a panic is not that Trump beat Hillary, it is that Trump is and has since he emerged from the primaries as the Republican candidate been deliberately and systematically destroying the Democrat brand. The guy plays the long game, he is constantly looking for weak points in the Democrat lines that he can further soften up and then exploit in a future offensive.

    There are so damn many areas of available opportunity to exploit that for a guy like Trump it has been like shooting fish in a barrel.

  2. I have zero sympathy for her.

    That being said, The Democrat party has allowed itself to be dragged so far left AND they are so monolithic in their voting, she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.– the operative word being “damned”


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