North Face Pulls Facebook Ads — Suggests Zuckerberg Promotes ‘White Supremacists’ – IOTW Report

North Face Pulls Facebook Ads — Suggests Zuckerberg Promotes ‘White Supremacists’

Woke eats Woke.

RedState: As the corporate meltdown in the wake of George Floyd’s death continues, add popular outdoor gear company North Face to those prostrating themselves before the false altar of “systemic racism.”

How so?

Ironically, North Face is pulling its ads from Facebook — which has been accused by conservatives for years of suppressing conservative content — in support of charges by an activist group that Zuckerberg & Co. promote… wait for it… “white supremacy.” No, really.

North Face on Friday tweeted a link to the group, Stop Hate For Profit, announcing that it was “in” with the group and “out” with Facebook.

Claiming “tech companies are not doing enough to fight hate on their digital social platforms,” and that they “must stop Hate for Profit,” the group called on corporations to “join the fight.” more

16 Comments on North Face Pulls Facebook Ads — Suggests Zuckerberg Promotes ‘White Supremacists’

  1. Doesn’t North Face mainly sell expensive camping & backpacking equipment to white liberal tree-huggin’ trust account folks?
    Just sayin’…it’s become a contest to out ‘woke’ everyone else.

  2. …you know, liberal logic goes both ways…

    …North Face, eh?

    Well, “North” = cold.
    “Cold” = White people came from there.


    North Face = White Face

    White Face = Racism

    So the Company name of North Face is a racist dogwhistle and MUST be destroyed forthwith. QED.

    Please commit suicide IMMEDIATELY to try to atone for your obvious White Supremacy while the POC world tries to heal…

    (Here’s their very, very White management team, BTW, talk about “White Supremacy”…,-Global%20Brand%20President&text=He%20has%20more%20than%2020%20years%20of%20experience%20demonstrating%20strong,all%20aspects%20of%20the%20business.

  3. Never understood why they put their stupid logo on the BACK of their over-priced jackets instead of the front. I’m thinking their Chinese slave-labor supplier screwed up, and they just went with it. GFY North Face.

  4. BTW, this gambit by NF won’t hurt them a bit; they are pandering to their base. I never saw a hunter or someone at the range wearing their shit. Newer saw a NF jacket worn by someone in a Trump Hat.

  5. With just a little bit of digging, I learned a lot about the brand (no longer its own company), North Face. The brand and the production is owned by VF Corporation, an international S&P 500 conglomeration of about 30 other clothing brands who has 55% of the backpack market under several of its various brands.

    The current president, chairman and CEO is Steve Rendle. VF’s annual revenue for 2019 was $13.8B; they employ 50K employees.

    “On December 21, 2012, VF Imagewear was awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to provide uniforms and insignia for Customs and Border Protection officers.[11] In February 2013, Imagewear was awarded a $50-million contract to manufacture uniforms for Transportation Security Administration officers.[12]” ~ Wikipedia

    I’m a little suspicious of a feud between FB and a globalist company the size of VF Corporation. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with black lives mattering or equity for workers.

  6. VF Corp chairman Steve Rendel is an oily phony who prides himself on knowing about buyer sentiment. Here’s his “Earth Day 2020” screed:

    I’d say boycott VF’s products, but that’s going to be difficult since they own most of the outdoor clothing lines on the planet. Some of your favorite clothes are probably in your dresser drawers right now.

  7. I have 2 North Face daypacks. I’ve carried one loaded with gear every day for at least 10 years. It’s my “get home” bag that goes everywhere with me. The things do no wear out. Totally worth the 75-80 dollars I paid for each. With that said, I am unlikely to purchase anymore gear bearing their name. Same with Chick-fil-a and any business that wants to present themselves as “woke.”

  8. Merchandising their brand. They sell the same substandard Indonesian sweat shop clothing as all the others. It just makes some idiots fell better with that logo prominently displayed.

  9. One universal consistency I have recognized is that they who try to inculcate a sense of collective guilt and make themselves into the Queen of wokeness are and have been the very worst offenders when it comes to attitudes and behavior they are trying to fob off responsibility for onto others.

    They deserve no reservation of judgement that they have lived the life they accuse the collective of. Despicable is too mild a word for them but it comes closest.

  10. We had an honest, brave conservative President 35 years ago. He said many things that are frequently quoted ; #1 being “…GOVT IS THE PROBLEM!” . Something he said many times from ’64 to ’89 “Big Business, Big Labor; 1 coin 2 sides.” Only get quoted by hard core conservatives.

    Most business are anti capitalists. Adam Smith noted this 300 years ago in WEALTH. If you think Big business has not been “woke” for decades you have let the leftist GWB do your thinking; maybe because you are too lazy to think for your self, or are incapable of such.


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