North Is Still North – IOTW Report

North Is Still North

16 Comments on North Is Still North

  1. GEOFF

    1/8/02 President signed a law the equates your statement with “White Privilege” aka RASCISM. For 21.9 years American schools have taught tha 2=2 can sometimes be 3; and other times it can be 5!

    Yuor stament says you are A DOMESTIC TERRORIST!

  2. GEOFF

    1/8/02 President signed a law the equates your statement with “White Privilege” aka RASCISM. For 21.9 years American schools have taught tha 2=2 can sometimes be 3; and other times it can be 5!

    Yuor stament says you are A DOMESTIC TERRORIST!

  3. Clarence has the real truth, Thankyou…
    Here at iotwreport we know right from wrong and good from evil except that phoney beachmom that can’t make any more than $100 an hour. Sorry real Beachmom, We know that there is some dumb shit out there using your name. If that dumb asshole had any brains, it would know that you can make a hell of a lot more and would be trashing a demoncrat platform instead of us iotwreport


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