North Korea rejects over two million doses of AstraZeneca – IOTW Report

North Korea rejects over two million doses of AstraZeneca

13 Comments on North Korea rejects over two million doses of AstraZeneca

  1. In their minds, Less People to Feed.

    Besides, Great Leader was Given A Glorious Gift by His ChYnA Allies.

    I hope the world NEVER FORGETS the TIME we lost from our lives from the ChYneze BIO WEAPON. Partially funded By Fauci’s Labs.

    This was a real disease. Not nearly as bad as portrayed & exploited by government, but I know 3 people personally who died.

    My Nurse friend literally said, it mostly effects older, weaker & compromised, BUT ONCE IN A WHILE it kills someone who you never would have expected.
    The death that really Fucked her up mentally was a very healthy 32 year old man who died after 2 weeks. His kids & parents ALL had it and recovered quickly, all except for him. She also has a 55 year old who has been in the hospital for 11 months, brain dead, all other organs perfect.

    It is the Randomness…

  2. The people I knew personally were 79, 67, & 43.

    The 79 year old still ran his company with his sons.
    The 69 year old was not obese, diabetic or anything other than slightly high blood pressure, no smoking & little drinking.
    The 43 year old had nothing else. Zippo. Didn’t work out but also didn’t abuse himself.

  3. The issue is even if you don’t die or have blood clots the first few months no one knows the long term effects of these shots. Anyone that claims they are safe are just outright lying. If anything the evidence and prior studies on a SARS vaccine have all shown massive long term damage and death. Does a poor country want to deal with a lot of chronically ill weak people – it isn’t like they are going to benefit from big pharma sales/treatments to their poor citizens. Maybe that is what the Haiti leader, several African leaders and now NOKO have in common – nothing to gain. He better watch his back, most of the leaders that opposed the jabs are dead now.

  4. Kcir, speaking of once in a while it kills someone you never would have expected…

    Every single day, the gene therapy shot:

    * Kills 73
    * Hospitalizes 230
    * Another 4300 adverse effects

    .. and that’s only what’s reported.

    If it was expected, do you think those killed by the shot would have taken it? Would they have been better off with covid? Answers we will never know, but what we do know is the shot is recommended for everyone, including those already dead and those that will die.

  5. I just found out today about a gal here in the M.H.P. where I live, who was in her late 30’s to early 40’s that recently passed away after she received her second VID shot.

  6. 20/20 hindsight.
    How many could have been saved with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, or Budesonide?
    The truth is they don’t care. It is all about control, fear, and submission.
    Kim Jong-un already as all these things. He doesn’t need a virus, he’ll just starve them to death.

    Kim Jong-un warns of North Korea crisis similar to deadly 90s famine

  7. @ Kcir – Gain of Function Biological CCP Weapon: The town I live in has only 1 hospital. It was the hospital among other venues that gave the jab. 12 pregnant women so far have miscarried after getting the jab. An RN who works there told us about it. Word is slipping out on people who got the jab and died or are seriously injured from it. I’ve seen far too many videos of people crying as they’re telling people what’s wrong with them after getting the jab. Get the jab meet the slab.

  8. Cmn¢¢guy July 10, 2021 at 7:29 pm

    And what if:
    it is about population control, 70% vaccination goal?

    Is the goal 70% dead from the jab, or is it 30% dead who declined the jab? I’m guessing those who didn’t get the jab will remain on this side of the green grass.

  9. Goldenfoxx

    First and foremost, it’s about money. Then by more money for the boosters, my guess is at least annually.
    Then possibly an anti-vaccine to counter the first ones.
    The Health care system is the single largest move to socialism, so far in the USA, and completely corrupt at the top.

    As for me, I’m staying in the 30%.

    The Nuremberg Code
    1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential


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