Norway Is Tracking What Everyone Buys, And Biden Wants To Follow Suit In The United States – IOTW Report

Norway Is Tracking What Everyone Buys, And Biden Wants To Follow Suit In The United States

New Digital Currency Is Government Control


report published at the end of May by NRK, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, notes that the official statistics bureau of Norway will soon track most grocery store purchases made in the Scandinavian country, a development that should serve as a warning to Americans about the growing trend in Western nations to expand surveillance and tracking of everyday citizens.

In an article titled “Statistics Norway demands to know exactly what Norwegians buy in the grocery store,” reporter Martin Gundersen wrote that Statistics Norway has “ordered the grocery chains NorgesGruppen, Coop, Bunnpris and Rema 1000 to share all their receipt data with the statistical agency.” Gundersen further reports that Nets, a payment service provider that processes about 80 percent of all in-store payments, “has also been required to share detailed information on all transactions.”

Statistics Norway, “the national statistical institute of Norway and the main producer of official statistics” for the country’s government, has said, as part of its new mandate, the agency will collect all customer transaction dates, card services information, user location number, user location name, account numbers, and other relevant information related to each grocery transaction. more

21 Comments on Norway Is Tracking What Everyone Buys, And Biden Wants To Follow Suit In The United States

  1. Track all you want. Nobody in Norway can quite comprehend why EVERY Friday is taco Friday either.

    It just is….and these people love tacos the way hobbits love mushrooms. But…….only on Friday.

    Still better’n Sweden.

  2. bought a couple of cases of beer & a couple of whiskeys & a bottle of wine at the local grocery store the other day … the cashier asked for my license & scanned it w/ the little red-light gun. she said she had to do this for everyone that purchased liquor. I quipped back that Big Brother must know what we consume so as to deny us services in the future. she said, ‘oh no, it’s only for age verification’ … oh sure, I’m obviously older than your dad! what? you don’t think that Big Brother has access to your database?

    I mentioned that, even though her establishment’s prices were the best, I will be taking my business elsewhere for future alcoholic purchases because it is none of the gubmint’s business what I consume

    my driver’s license, ffs!
    (& remember, all our licenses are now Homeland Security compliant … curse you GWB)

  3. They’re fuggin’ Weegee’s. The hell else are they gonna’ do besides navel gaze? These people have 3 TRILLION in infrastructure funds just sitting there and the best idea they could come up with to blow all that cash was an underwater highway to Bergen.

    Things the Weegee governement will discover about Norways eating habits.

    “You know, besides quick lunch, everything we spend money on goes to booze.”

    “Hey, we can afford better cheese.”

    :Flips page over, sees blank side, flips it back:

    “And that’s about it. Besides the consumption of those lil’ oranges we love so much. Do we know where they come from yet? No?…..Oh….O.K. not like were keeping track of how much we spend on surveillance.”

    I have no idea what the government thinks it will find.


    Oh….and tacos on Friday.

    Damn limited diet.

  4. “For example, if fully implemented, a traceable digital currency would allow government and the Federal Reserve to have an active database of every gun and ammo purchase made in the United States using digital currency.” Commie bastards.

  5. Those grocery discount cards and wholesale club memberships have been keeping track of every purchase for many years now.

    This is nothing new.

    “Hey, why does she buy 30 cans of soup a week?”

  6. …..I think I’d like to try a can of soup that someone buys 30 of a week.

    Probably pretty good.

  7. “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
    Revelation 13:16-18

  8. This Biden govt has been bought, sold, stamped…repeat. For my family’s privacy and protection we use cash whenever possible. No one’s damned business what we buy or not.

  9. Biden can’t figure out how to get stuff off the ships, onto the rails and roads and into the stores for us to buy it, much less track who’s buying stuff that by some miracle makes it onto the shelves.

    Biden can’t figure out why our food production facilities are going up in flames all over the country, something that might be higher on the government’s list of things to track.

    Biden can’t even tell us who’s getting the stuff we’re sending to Ukraine or where it’s going, which is also something that should be higher on the tracking list than my bag of chips.

    Biden can’t even track the multitudes of border crashers he’s let into the country, which should be the highest thing on the tracking list.

    But maybe when I say “can’t”, I should be saying “won’t”.

  10. Jackass Joe’s got this country so backed up the next Republican President is gonna have to draw straws to see who gets “voluntiered” to pull the cork out!!

  11. I picture the people who are actually running things at the WH just drooling over the prospect of grabbing more power and control. Snickering and rubbing their hands together.

    They can pound sand.

  12. Silver & gold currency use, barter, and a robust black market will be the result of that kind of tyranny.
    Americans have a long history of finding their way around obstacles.

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