Norwegian Rocker Forced to Serve on Local Council after Accidentally Winning Election – IOTW Report

Norwegian Rocker Forced to Serve on Local Council after Accidentally Winning Election

OddityCentral: Gylve Nagell, a member of a Norwegian rock band, only agreed to run for local councilor in his hometown of Kolbotn only as a backup, thinking it would help boost voter turnout. He never wanted to win, and to make sure he didn’t, Nagell’s campaign posters showed him holding his pet cat, with the caption “Please Don’t Vote for Me”. It didn’t work the way he had planned.  MORE


7 Comments on Norwegian Rocker Forced to Serve on Local Council after Accidentally Winning Election

  1. The article said that under Norwegian law, once elected he is required to serve for at least four years. He’s not too happy about this situation.

    The solution to his problem is easy peezy …… all he has to do is start saying a few bad things about the muzzies and they’ll run him out of office within the week.

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