Norwegian Tourist Brutally Slaughtered by Muslim Shared Pro-Muslim Video Three Years Before Her Murder – IOTW Report

Norwegian Tourist Brutally Slaughtered by Muslim Shared Pro-Muslim Video Three Years Before Her Murder

Geller Report: This shows how corrosive, dangerous, and poisonous the left’s ideology really is. Maren Ueland no doubt thought she was being enlightened and generous, telling people that it was wrong to be suspicious of any Muslim under any circumstances; all her life, she had been told that such suspicion was “racist,” and that Europeans must welcome the Muslim migrant invasion.


So she went hiking in Morocco without a care in the world, never dreaming that there may really have been some Muslims she should have been wary of. She is a casualty of the left’s indoctrination, propaganda and lies.  MORE HERE

22 Comments on Norwegian Tourist Brutally Slaughtered by Muslim Shared Pro-Muslim Video Three Years Before Her Murder

  1. 2 blonde women under 30 from western Europe go to Morocco (a complete dangerous shithole) to hike and camp alone – where the hell were their parents?! Or any authority or voice of reason at any point of their trip?!

  2. Not the first – won’t be the last.
    Remember the girl (Italian girl, I think, but I have been wrong) who was hiking across Anatolia a couple of years ago for “peace and comity” amongst all mankind? Found her in a ditch naked, raped, and murdered?
    There are more.
    Sad. Ignorance may be bliss, but it is also mortally dangerous – and what you don’t know CAN hurt you.

    And, come to think of it, just how far that ignorant philosophy has infected us is indicated by the fact that we’re astounded by this! In the past we EXPECTED the willfully ignorant, the retards, and the morons to have short life spans: we would think “Well, there you are” but now we wring our hands and wonder how someone could be so blind – why there hadn’t been some engineered safety appurtenance to preserve her.
    Blow out the pilot, turn on the gas, stick your head in the oven – you’re gonna die!
    That’s just the way it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Before Her Murder

    “Murder”? I do not think… no, this time I know… that word does not mean what you think it means.

    When you choose to squat amongst the bears, and the bears kill (you see that word, “kill”) you, you have not been “murdered”. Some would say you committed “suicide”. But, even when it is not painless, it is not “murder”.

    She went, along with another six-of-one half-a-dozen-of-the-same, friend… because squatting with an equally suicidal friend amongst the bears is “safer”, not better “return on effort” to kill… to flash a big, unarmed, Fnck you! to the armed locals, in a foreign land. The world is a safer place without them. (No… no snarky.)

  4. @ Anonymous DECEMBER 26, 2018 AT 11:38 AM

    …where the hell were their parents?

    To an ambitious prog offspring are there to be exploited to advance your personal political cause and to virtue signal. I have seen it all, living in the Puget Sound region, and I shit you not I have listened to the assholes bragging to each other about how their offspring’s sexual proclivities give the parent “street cred” among their fellow progs.

  5. @Bad_Brad December 26, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    > Even stupid people don’t deserve to die like that.

    Even stupid people, in their own homes? I completely agree.

    Stupid people who go to the effort of traveling to their place of demise? Who spend more money than their janitors earn in a year? By doing actual work? Who burn a bigger carbon footprint than their janitors’ village burns in a year? To get to the place of their demise? For the privilege of “proving” how sub-human their janitors are? How super human they are? Me, agree? Not so much.

  6. From birth the left groom their children to be sacrificed on a pyre of socialist martyrdom. Resulting in no victory or reward. Instead, a Hellish eternity separated from God.


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