Not a Joke: Biden Admin’s Response to Taliban Violence Is a ‘Strongly Worded’ Letter – IOTW Report

Not a Joke: Biden Admin’s Response to Taliban Violence Is a ‘Strongly Worded’ Letter

PJM: The Biden administration is dealing with its deeply serious disasters in a deeply unserious way. Biden’s ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer Tuesday and said that the United States and its remaining allies worked really, truly, very hard on a response to the Taliban as it tightened its grip on Afghanistan.

That response — this is not a joke — came in the form of a strongly worded letter. Watch.

26 Comments on Not a Joke: Biden Admin’s Response to Taliban Violence Is a ‘Strongly Worded’ Letter

  1. FOX morning crew covered this. They also had Pete Hegseth on covering this. It was obvious that Pete was a vet. But Pete was much more than just a vet. He was one of the guys watching and studying enemy tactics. And teaching. He did a good job of illustrating just how inept those two fucking idiots Milley and Austin are. But in a nut shell he knew this would happen. If I can find that segment I’ll post it. It was pretty good. The Strongly worded letter bout pushed him over the edge. We have the fucking Glee Club running the country. Illegitimately.

  2. At least he could’ve said “Nuts.” None of the Taliban bad guys are scared of joey’s response, if anything they’re peeing their pants laughing their asses off at our clown prince of a presidunce. Instead of utterly useless, feeble words he needs to have the balls to stand up to these barbarians, but that’ll never happen in his liberal/progtard/utopian/rainbow and unicorn fart of what’s left of his addlepated mind.

  3. Oh no

    Not a strongly worded letter.

    It doesn’t get more frightening than that.
    Does it? JDams off the table? Moabs not in play?

    I pick my nose in your general direction.

  4. What else does he have? When you give burglars the keys to your house, you just hope that they drink your beer and go thru the wife’s underwear drawer but leave the 69 Mustang Boss 429 in the garage alone.

    With any luck they won’t use any of those surface to air missiles we left lying around to shoot down one of our planes.

  5. I love strongly worded letters. If you bold the right letters and use an exclamation point at just the right time you can really get a serious point across.

    One more thing, this Afghanistan debacle is worse than incompetence, I believe this is all by design with the intended outcome being to destroy the standing of the US in the eyes of the world. We have a war on our hands and we really do not have our leaders in place. All we have are TRAITOROUS BASTARDS destroying our country!

  6. “I watched the Milley briefing this morning”

    Loyd Austen was equally clueless. In reality that entire press conference could be used in a Court Martial against them for Dereliction of Duty. They have enough hostages to behead one a day for about the next ten years. When you consider all these asshole are illegitimate, it makes you just want to start hanging Libtard Bureaucrats.

  7. Probably no better proof that Joe hates Americans than L. Austin and mM Milley.

    Th UNIPARTY ;policy of “Americans last” is front and center with these 2 liberal Generals!


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