NOT A JOKE: Biden Has Dementia?! – IOTW Report

NOT A JOKE: Biden Has Dementia?!

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38 Comments on NOT A JOKE: Biden Has Dementia?!

  1. Makes me want Biden to get the nomination more than ever, even more than Bernie.

    Just to see how both the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress handle it.

  2. Jill Biden is a piece of shit and I hope she’s going straight to hell. She should have the decency and the sense to hire a home nurse and put him in treatment so it doesn’t get worse than it is right now. It won’t stop, but at least it can be slowed down. And the drugged out kids are busy ruining their own lives to give a shit.
    What a crap family.

  3. biden is a delivery vehicle who, with the help of super delegates, is going to deliver an otherwise unelectable person (his VP) into the office of the Presidency, when he would step down after a short term, were he to be elected.

  4. He is setting up an “insanity” defense. Last week, Ukraine opened a criminal investigation against Joe and Hunter Biden for corruption and money laundering. Their days are numbered.

  5. I don’t think He’s faking it…He might be an Idiot…But He’s

    an Idiot with a HUGE EGO….Which wouldn’t allow Him to Play the


    I hope He has the decency to share His Miracle Cure for Cancer

    before He goes completely insane.

  6. “a mindless person they can steer and control”.
    They already did that in the Obama 8 years, old habits never change.
    Of course Barack was a diaper full from birth.

  7. Crazy Joe isn’t stricken with dementia.
    He is merely setting up an insanity defense for after the Trump landslide.
    He’ll need it when he is jailed for what he and son have done to our treasury.

  8. Flip, I don’t know you and didn’t know your mother, but my heart broke just reading your post. My dear, sweet mother also had dementia and it was the most gut-wrenching thing I’ve ever witnessed. She would have been appalled at how it robbed her of her dignity, which was always important to her. What I can’t figure out is if Joe’s lack of dignity is due to dementia or it’s just in the Democrat DNA.

  9. His family should just put him in a home with a nice desk in his room and tell him he’s President. When they come to visit, he won’t remember them so, they can be introduced as cabinet members or ambassadors. It’s the perfect solution for him and for America so he and we can all live happily ever after.

    Now, what can we do for Bernie? Retirement community in Cuba? His pension would go far and he could enjoy the communist culture for the rest of his life. Sorry about that lack of A/C though, Bernie…

  10. After having seen Alzheimer’s close up, for years, I am convinced that Biden has some type of dementia. The manifestations of it are picking up speed and that will continue; disastrous results are likely unless someone puts a stop to this. However, his family members are either in total denial or are in the pay/under the thumb of the Democrat Party, which wishes to use him for their own evil purposes.

    JMO, but it’s what makes the most sense.

  11. Biden definitely shows many of the behavioral indications of dementia.

    Both my grandmothers lived in the house I was raised in, as they transitioned from living at home and having to live in a care center. They both had dementia. My father suffered induced dementia caused by his Parkinson’s medication.

    Crowder is calling it Early Onset Alzheimers. Biden is 77, so dementia is age appropriate. My ex-brother-in-law had Early Onset Alzheimers (he had played football at the college level and suffered many concussions). He died when he was 63.

    Dementia is a very sad thing and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even Crazy Joe.

  12. Those who say Biden has dementia are standing on a stack of flapjacks in the dog house. You can’t sew frog legs on an Aleutian island and expect to hit a grand slam. Amirite Chuck?

  13. I have been preaching this for the last 12 years or more. You cannot have two berry aneurysms of the brain repaired by open crainotomy and be right afterward. Joe was never very bright to begin with just good at covering his tracks meaning he didn’t have a lot of mental reserve in the first place. After having your gray matter played with once you are never right let alone twice. He exhibits very clear signs and symptoms of a frontal lobe syndrome (of the brain) most likely from frontal lobe damage from his aneurysms and their repair. The inappropriate touching, mispronunciations, the malapropisms and the word finding difficulties and being dis-inhibited are classic for it. One can compensate for it to some degree when one is younger but it gets far harder as you age. Also it gets worse under stress and the stress of a presidential campaign is obviously enormous. This is nothing new for Joe. The MSM totally ran interference for him and kept him completely isolated when he was VP. But now out in the open they can’t do it and besides Joe is likely not the “Chosen One” that gets their assigned protection. Now this does not rule out a second process starting like dementia which he is at risk for as well. The DNC Club knows that he will never be able to hold his own in a debate with Trump. Wonder who they are going to pick?

  14. The media is going to “Hillary” him. Hide his mistakes. Limit his public appearances. They got her the popular vote even though she kept having brain spasms and collapsing in public.

  15. @Zonga

    “He’ll probably crap his pants during a debate, take them off, sniff them, then shuffle over to Butt Boy and say ‘Here ya go’.”

    I call sloppy sniffy seconds!

  16. The FAST scale helps pinpoint where someone is in their decline due to dementia. To read it is to weep, because as you see where your loved one has declined to, you also see where they have yet to go, and that is the stuff of nightmares.

    As more than half of my hospice patients are on service for dementia related diseases, I’m evaluating Joe at 5 out of 7. Much like my mom, I don’t think hes picking out his own outfits anymore.

    Anyone who is propping him up for their own selfish ends, there is a special place in hell for them, but there is no honor amongst those ghouls to begin with.

  17. I work with dementia patients, or residents, as I encounter them. I have a very large interest in the part of the mind, the God given part, that is still present in such a malady, but is often hidden through fear or ignorance. Helping those, thus afflicted, to be calm and find that part within themselves, is how I will spend the rest of my career.
    Whether or not biden harbors dementia I couldn’t say, but he does have some deficiencies, obviously. In therapeutic communication with such persons, I have learned to never ask ‘why?’ when they state something. Such a response is interpreted by them as a challenge and they feel threatened, with their judgement under question. Often such a simple thing can be a ‘trigger.’ I see that in him a lot. With such persons, it is much more better (!) to say ‘that is interesting, tell me more about it…’.
    If you push biden on his opinions or even past actions, he responds disproportionately, even to the extent of recently having physical contact with the questioner. There’s something going on there.


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