Not Afraid To Crush Your Silly Progressive Dreams, Amy Klobuchar Solidifies Her Also Ran Status With First Town Hall – IOTW Report

Not Afraid To Crush Your Silly Progressive Dreams, Amy Klobuchar Solidifies Her Also Ran Status With First Town Hall

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: As the 2020 Democrat primary race begins to heats up, the proglodytes are jumpin’ out of the trees. No social position is too radical as candidates try to one-up the competition and out-progressive each other. It also means that no federal program is too expensive, and no tax hike is too high. The Democrats have basically become the party of “free stuff” as they promise to cover the cost of your life from the cradle to the grave. It’s what you’re supposed to be offering.

Apparently, no one got the memo to Lady Senator Amy Klobuchar. CNN was nice enough to throw a coming out party for the Lady Senator in the form of a Town Hall Meetin’ hosted by the Stupidest Man in Cable News, Don Lemon. At one point, Senator Amy made it clear that as your president she has no intention of giving young liberals types four free years of higher education. She said she’s not “a magic genie,” so they’re out of luck.  more here


14 Comments on Not Afraid To Crush Your Silly Progressive Dreams, Amy Klobuchar Solidifies Her Also Ran Status With First Town Hall

  1. “So does she like have some horrible scar or a third eye on her forehead or something? What’s with the sheep dog hair due?”

    …just hiding the lobotomy scars she got from the Mexican “doctor” in the hotel room in Cuidad Juarez, @Dan Ryan Galt…

  2. She, like Camel Toe Harris (who lied on national TV that she is not a democratic socialist) is just trying to separate from the herd, to act like the only adult in the room, it will not work.

    Having watched Amy during the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh hearings, her faux mild mannerisms and feigned moderation proved weak sauce. When it comes to the Democrat ideals; worshiping at alter of abortion, bigger government, more reliance on government to right societal wrongs, and making the wealth creators subsidize the wealth redistributors, she barks with the rest of the trained seals.

    The candidate the promises the most free shit will win, it’s not difficult.

  3. being the second coming of Walter Mondale ain’t gonna cut it w/ the freebie crowd
    OTOH, I hope your efforts bleed countless demorat piggy banks as barren as the Hildabeast’s heart

  4. The look on the face of the teen who asked the question was so crestfallen when told “no, college is not free” should be a meme. It was hilarious.

    I was flipping past CNN the other day and they actually had a COUNTDOWN TIMER for Amy’s town hall.

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