Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’ – IOTW Report

Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’


The University of Iowa’s student newspaper has announced the discovery of a special privilege which intelligent people acquire as an accident of birth. This new privilege — called “cognitive privilege” — functions in essentially the same way as white privilege.

The Daily Iowan revealed the discovery of this new privilege earlier this week.

Garden-variety white privilege “is an important topic that deserves a public discussion,” the op-ed on “cognitive privilege” explains, but it is also “prudent to at least mention the wider concept contained therein: that of privilege itself.”

Privilege in general is “the receipt of certain benefits wholly through accident of birth and it is “undeniable that privilege itself is a reality,” the student newspaper explains.

As with skin color and much else, Daily Iowan author Dan Williams argues, people have no control over how smart they are. Life is a huge cosmic lottery full of winners and losers.

Cognitive privilege is one of “many kinds of privilege besides white privilege.”


27 Comments on Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’

  1. 🔶 BABY MAMMAS 🔶

    This “cognitive privilege” is another way for liberals to escape social responsibility for the inner-city they created.


    If every black man spreads his seed to 4 women across the ‘hood, and then his children do the same, eventually 1/2 brothers and sisters will have children together, and so on.

    Since no one is able to keep track of their family tree, the inbreeding rate starts to criss-cross the neighborhood in which everyone is essentially related.

    I.Q. rates PLUMMET! So to make up for this social engineering nightmare, liberals blame “racism” for mentally retarded black children being 2-3 grade levels behind non-inbred whites.

  2. I wondered how they were going to draw the asians down by this white privilege thing. Brilliant!

    But at the same time ridiculous so because my brain may be wired a bit better for cognitive thought doesn’t mean you still don’t have to put in the work to accomplish things like my with being white and people coming up to me on the street and just giving me things and stuff does. Damn, good thing I also identify as female or I would be totally screwed….or is should I really be identifying as male so my world is perfect.

    This is all getting so confusing maybe I am not all that cognitively gifted, SAT scores be damned. I probably only scored high because I was white and my name is Chris so they probably thought I was a male….

  3. The academic Left is creeping and inching its way toward asserting that black people are somehow inherently inferior.

    Slippery slope. But deeply embedded in the chaotic stew of conflicting Leftist beliefs.

    Margaret Sanger, meet BLM.

  4. “Privilege” is a poor, albeit popular, word choice. Those mutated by this “affliction” spend their entire lives in Hell’s lobby. “The stupid! It burns!”

  5. The left is trying to get out in front of all the genetic tests that are proving intelligence is mostly inherited. That way when blacks can’t blame whites anymore for why they have 80 IQ they can still get some form of victimhood.

  6. Reminds me of an hysterical moment from my childhood. My asshole older sister was two and half years older, much bigger, and went through life assuming she was entitled to anything she wanted. If she wanted something I had, she’d just beat the shit out of me and take it because I was too sickly at the time to do much about it.

    One time, at the home of a family that were friends to my mother, we all participated in a trivia game. Being a bookish little shit, I, of course, started kicking everyone’s ass (figuratively). My sister then got up, flipped the board (natch), stormed out of the room, and started sobbing in the kitchen. When my mother asked what her problem was (she had an idea), my sister sobbed, “Why did he get all the brains?!!!”… As if it was something we’re supposed to get doled out fairly in life, and, of course, what she should get more of than me by her sense of entitlement.

    The entire house laughed out loud at what a fucking jackass cunt my sister was. It was funny as hell.

    Lesson here is that this entire “cognitive privilege” bullshit is stupid or lazy people feeling like they’re entitled to the fruits of your hard work and study… Sound familiar? It’s the same-old same-old.

  7. Iowa, huh? This from the same state who loves their corn subsidies despite driving up corn price b/c much of the corn is diverted to gas supplies…which could destroy engines over time. Yea, that Iowa.

  8. Logically speaking, this simultaneously reveals

    1) the whole vacuity of the “privilege” nonsense, AND
    2) the validity of the genetic differences in people.

    Keep it up, Leftists!

    p.s. As someone joked earlier, getting drunk helps to level out that “privilege”….

  9. From the article:

    “We now know that intelligence is not something we have significant control over but is something we are born with.”

    Now here is Vox explaining Charles Murray:

    “..IQ exists; that it is extraordinarily important to life outcomes of all sorts; that it is largely heritable; and that we don’t know of any interventions that can improve the part that is not heritable. The consensus also includes the observation that the IQs of black Americans are lower, on average, than that of whites, and — most contentiously — that this and other differences among racial groups is based at least in part in genetics.”

    When the dull-witted SJW’s realize that Dan Williams is saying the same thing as Charles Murray, all hell is going to break loose.

  10. Dan Williams is obviously not in the upper 50th percentile
    of cognitive ability (Dan, that means you are of below average intelligence).

    Why? Because he is too stucking foopid to realize his argument is self-contradictory. If his delusion of cognitive privilege were a real thing, then he would want to curtail that privilege in the name of *E*Q*U*A*L*I*T*Y*. But relative to those without cognitive privilige (i.e. stupid people), that would be in effect making them more privileged than they would be otherwise. So in order to deal with cognitive privilege he would have to create and recognize cognitive deficiency privilege.

    Reductio ad absurdum, Dan. You FAIL.

  11. In my reveries I imagine EVERY commenter here sitting on the opposing dais against Dan Williams and his team of experts, debating the merits of his theory. Pay Per View, baby!

    IOTWReports has the rocking-est commenters on the internets.

  12. Somebody – well, a lot of people, actually – need to look up the word “privilege” and its etymology (no, not the study of bugs).

    e.g.: priv·i·lege
    privileges (plural noun)
    a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people:

    The key word is “granted.” Thus, the question to be asked is “granted by whom?”

    as we see from its historical context: “a grant to an individual, corporation, or place of special rights or immunities, especially in the form of a franchise or monopoly.”

    And the: ORIGIN
    Middle English: via Old French from Latin privilegium ‘bill or law affecting an individual,’ from privus ‘private’ + lex, leg- ‘law.’

    So why do the morons rail at things they don’t understand?
    “Cognitive privilege?” Really?

    Another fukkin imbecile throwing out random words trying to impress the credulous (one of the foundations of the Bolshevik/Nazi/Fascist/Demonrat Party).

    izlamo delenda est …

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