Not even criminals deserve this level of abuse – IOTW Report

Not even criminals deserve this level of abuse

American Thinker;

By Anony Mee

We all know that the Biden Administration hasn’t yet met a law, rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or court ruling it is unwilling to blow up in the name of its ever-expanding wokeism.  The next target in sight looks to be the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003.

The text of the law notes that “[i]n Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825 (1994), the Supreme Court ruled that deliberate indifference to the substantial risk of sexual assault violates prisoners’ rights under the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause of the Eighth Amendment.”  If you’re interested, section 30301 in Title 34 of the U.S. Code lists the rest of the heartbreaking findings of Congress that led to the law’s passage and enactment.

A big thank you is due to Nathanael Blake over at The Federalist for breaking a horrifying story about the government’s intended abuse of that statute.  In a draft executive order, the Biden administration plans to overhaul the federal criminal justice system to demonstrate its respect for the “dignity and rights of all persons.”  Part of the planned renovations to the justice system include changes that would allow the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to house incarcerated individuals in accordance with their gender identity.

12 Comments on Not even criminals deserve this level of abuse

  1. I am beginning to think ALL DEMOCRATS ARE:
    criminals, pedos, kid-diddlers, sexual deviants, trannies, liars, cheats, drunks, drug addicts & substance abuses, deadbeats, marxist, socialist & commies.


  2. Not that I think this is OK, but it’s generally accepted that men will be raped by men in men’s prison and women will be raped by women in women’s prison.

    Since “rape” is not part of the statutory sentence (yet), if you REALLY want to get it right you shouldn’t allow ANY rape in prison.

    To that end, I would be completely in favor of immediate isolation followed quickly by automatic death penalty for rapist.

    In prison.

    And OUT of it.

    Rapist rape to humiliate, not just, or even mostly, for sexual gratification.

    Anyone with that mindset should not be allowed to live among us.

    Which will never happen, because we’d have to execute the entire leadership of the Democrat party…

  3. Well just check their social media and voting records. If they qualify as conservative Republicans keep them away from the men. If they are liberal Democrats let them get what they voted for.

  4. @ No Mamma Obama, Not all of them, Just the ones in office, or employed by or affiliated with, State or federal governments, Woke industries of any kind, the entertainment industry and environmental groups. The other half dozen are pretty decent people.


    That’s a pretty broad brush you’re using…
    but when you consider that democRATz are act like a consolidated, coherent entity where everybody marches in lock-step with one another, uses the same talking points, and the fact that I haven’ t voted for one in about a half century, I guess yer absolutely right!

  6. Simple fix. Change the first part of : “We all know that the Biden Administration hasn’t yet met a law, rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or court ruling it is unwilling to blow up in the name of its ever-expanding wokeism.” to “We all know the Democrats…”


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