Not just bathrooms: Feds issue regulation Friday to force health insurance to cover sex change operations – IOTW Report

Not just bathrooms: Feds issue regulation Friday to force health insurance to cover sex change operations

Let this sink in for moment. While seniors in need of hip replacements may be told to take painkillers and live out their last years sedated and immobile, because total funds are limited, younger people who want to try life as the other sex “must be treated consistent with their gender identity…”

AmericanThinker: While the federal decree abolishing sex segregation in bathrooms (and incidentally establishing the principle that your sex is whatever you say it is – with far reaching consequences for Title IX and many other federal programs based on sex), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) issued a regulation that will make health insurance, including Obamacare and Medicaid, more expensive.  Now, your premiums will cover genital mutilation and hormone therapy for anyone that decides to play the role of the opposite sex.  more

43 Comments on Not just bathrooms: Feds issue regulation Friday to force health insurance to cover sex change operations

  1. Damned near every species on this planet possesses an easily identifiable role provided by nature itself as it pertains to sex and yet the “smartest” of all those species seemingly is unwilling to grasp the concept of male/female… We are doomed…
    Oh, sweet meteor of death, I summon thee….

  2. You really don’t think medical costs would go up because of current conditions, right? Costs go up relative to future expenditures. You’ve already paid for it.

  3. Loco,
    Support Trump on his merits if you want too. Or not. I’m getting sick of Cruz people acting like they deserve a god damn blow job or they won’t vote Trump. If you hate the guy, vote your gut. In or out, make up your mind. And if you think Cruz was electable in the general you live in a damn cave.

  4. It’s no wonder that I have little or no health insurance since everything is going to pay for freaks changing their sex. But that’s covered with my lousy insurance but nearly everything else isn’t including being able to afford to see the Dr. for regular checkups. Thanks for nothing barry and the democraps.

  5. Bull Shit Tommy, Let the cards fall. After all this electrate was dumb enough to vote Obama in twice. How many so called conservatives stayed home last time? I’ll bet a good majority of the #NeverTrump crowd stayed home last time. Fucking stupid people. I feel sorry for my kids and grand kids.

  6. The thing is Brad, if I don’t vote, I will likely regret it.
    However, at least I will have some satisfaction in telling assholes like you that all the insults and denigration worked against you, because of your arrogance you lost, and deservedly so.

  7. Like I said Einstein, why in theeee fuck are you seeking my approval so hard. I don’t really care how you vote. The fix is in. Leave me the fuck alone and vote or don’t vote. I don’t care.
    Got it? Hillary will be are next p.President no matter what.

  8. Brad, I have never, NEVER, posted anonymously here.

    I always stand behind what the hell I say.
    Sure there have been those that you have sparred with that remained anonymous.
    Let me disabuse you of any idea that I was one of them.
    So please, let that bullshit go.
    It never happened as far as me being involved.

  9. As LBS said “All it will take for us to unite” is six more months of asinine directives from The Great W.C. Integrator; the guy who swore to “fundamentally change” our country, and is going a damn good job of it. This bastard’s speech writers scoff at our stupidity, insult our intelligence, and lie to us, with the full backing and approval of the media. If Trump is the nominee he should be backed to the hilt by everyone who can see what is happening here.
    And I don’t give a flying fuck what National Review, The Weekly Standard, Rolling Stones, Salon, or the New York Times say.

    If Hillary Clinton is our next CIC, we, as a nation, are doomed.

  10. There is something else behind all this insanity. They are trying to make us all think we are crazy or something. Things nobody cares about a year ago are suddenly urgent. Things our kids dont need to know about are now their cause of the week. This is all going somewhere, and I don’t think we will like it when we get there.

  11. Brad. It was morons who put The Great W.C. Integrator in office twice. I don’t see any morons here. I contributed to Ted Cruz until he dropped out. I now support Trump. I hope he is the Republican nominee. If not, if the elite in Washington scuttle Trump and give us another Tuna Fish, then I’ll vote for the Tuna Fish. My primary goal is to defeat the Clinton bitch and send her traitorous, lying ass packing. And hopefully to prison.
    It’s late but I’m off tomorrow. I’ll have one more and hit the couch. Niteall Peace Bro.

  12. Wow Brad, good to see you learned how to spell morons.
    Try and add a word to your vocabulary on a daily basis and by the time Hillary is elected you will be in triple digits.

    Dipshit ass-wagon!
    Yes, not actual words but they fit you to a T.

  13. There you go Tommy, read his last post. You don’t think this ass hole isn’t a Hillary plant you’ve got another thing coming. Shits getting pretty dynamic. Time to circle the wagons.

  14. Unbelievable.
    In the ‘old days,’ which was, like yesterday, the first thing you did when someone had a neurosis, was to ‘humor’ them and work from there. Certainly you don’t reinforce the neurosis.
    Now they’re saying that everyone has to respect and conform to another’s possibly arbitrary declaration that they are of a gender other than their original biological sex. No establishment, or at least mention, of minimal standards to verify the legitimacy of such a claim. If the claim is made, everybody must adapt to it. That pretty much sums up the first step for me, though in a very simplistic manner. At a minimal level, that can be form of ‘humoring.’ Gone are the days of ‘waiting for the men in the white coats.’
    Now we learn that the medical community is to have no choice other than to participate in the the reinforcement of the neurosis. Diversion and re-direction are abandoned, and the mandated course is to be establishment of the imagined. From the imagined to the tangible.
    So let me get this straight- a young boy thinks he is a girl. First thing, don’t tell the parents. Second, help them live that fantasy. Medical procedures must be provided to alter the physical nature of the ‘male,’ such that they anatomically appear to be female. I can only pray that necessity, through validation on numerous levels, is found to be the reason for such an alteration. There are a some for whom such a procedure would be correct.
    A man presents himself to a physician and states he is a woman. He desires to have a pelvic exam. Must the physician make that a possibility? Is the physician required to create a new reality for the individual? This is certainly more than just going to the ‘beauty shop’ and getting a new hairstyle. The way they’re moving the ball on this, it appears that there is no longer any opportunity for ‘humoring,’ and I myself fail to see any humor in it overall.
    If anyone knows of a lottery that has to do when michael obama is going to make an announcement, I’d get in on it.

  15. I wish this decree was administered when I was in high school. “Mrs. Jawolsky? Allison and I each need a bathroom pass. We’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  16. “ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton”

    Just think about that real hard for a minute.

    Go barf if you need to.

    Now quit fighting like a bunch of little kids and do what you need to do to keep that bitch out of the white house.

  17. Just another liberal voter pandering scheme.

    Goes hand in hand with calling ILLEGAL ALIENS undocumented and CRIMINALS Justice involved person, (or whatever it is). Voter pandering.

    Just thinking on that last change: So now there is no definition between criminals and all LAW ENFORCEMENT persons, lawyers (well, maybe that’s right), cops, judges (true for Obama appointed), DOJ, (wait, again right for obama’s DOJ), TSA, (oops, again obama’s TSA is criminal like), congressional lawmakers, (again, questionable delineation). Heck, he wants to change the vernacular because he has criminalized government, so may as well simplify with a blanket name for all criminal activities.

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