Not ‘Progressive’ Enough. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Won’t Endorse Tulsi Gabbard If She Were To Run For President – IOTW Report

Not ‘Progressive’ Enough. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Won’t Endorse Tulsi Gabbard If She Were To Run For President

Breitbart; Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Monday declined to endorse Rep. Tulsi Gabbard when asked if she would support the fellow Democrat Hawaii lawmaker’s 2020 presidential campaign. 

Pressed on whether she will support Gabbard’s bid, Hirono told MSNBC that she is “looking for someone who has a long record of supporting progressive goals.”

Hirono continued: “I certainly wish all of our candidates the best because it is going to be a long, hard race, and so I wish everyone well, but for myself in these times of what I would call not normal times, I want someone who has very much been on the page in terms of supporting equal opportunity, choice, all of the kinds of issues that I’ve been fighting for decades.”

Reacting to Hirono‘s answer, host Kasie Hunt said that it doesn’t appear the Hawaii senator believes Gabbard has a track record of supporting progressive causes.

“I wish her well, though, as I do all of the other candidates,” Hirono said with a chuckle.  more here

10 Comments on Not ‘Progressive’ Enough. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) Won’t Endorse Tulsi Gabbard If She Were To Run For President

  1. Gabbard is probably the ONLY democRAT that doesn’t come off as a total wack job or crooked commie like all the rest of them! Probably because she was raised by conservatives and she’s also a Veteran!

  2. Gabbard would attract a lot of votes. Including all the never Trumpers. She the most dangerous candidate Trump could face. Trump should tap Nikki Haley to be his running mate in 2020.


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