Not So Proud To Be An American – IOTW Report

Not So Proud To Be An American

Why am I not surprised?

A recent Pew Research poll found that 60 percent of those calling themselves strong liberals say they don’t “often feel proud to be American“.

Conservatives, on the other hand, responded  yes to the same statement 72 to 81 percent.

Read the article here



24 Comments on Not So Proud To Be An American

  1. I like to wish people “Happy Independence Day” instead of Happy 4th of July. Sometimes there is a knowing nod when I say that…like a patriotic secret handshake.

  2. I am proud to be an American.
    I am ashamed to be a subject of the U.S. govt.
    And, no, those two statements don’t contradict each other, Bill Clinton notwithstanding.

    there is nothing patriotic about…pretending that you can love your country but despise your government.

  3. @AbigailAdams – Yes, he did. I almost always provide links when I quote anyone. The link in that post takes you to the transcript of Slick’s comments at Michigan State University’s 1995 Spring Convocation.

  4. Uncle Al,

    I am proud to be an American and I despise anyone who messes with the Constitution of the United States of America, particularly my government. And that goes double for Supreme Court Justices who should know better.

  5. I once had the distinct honor of being quoted by the late, great Andrew Breitbart. He was writing a column in 2009 when I sent him an email about liberals and patriotism in regard to Obama’s inauguration.
    He used it in his column:
    [As I was writing this piece, I received the following unsolicited email from a Big Hollywood reader: “Reminder to liberal celebrities: It’s time to set your Fluctuating Patriotism Clock from “Hate America” to “Love America” on Jan. 20th. Remember, it’s “Springsteen Ahead – Falwell Behind.” Funny.]

  6. I suspect Liberals are coming from the multi-culti, diversity, citizen-of-the-world world view. It’s hard to be proud to be an American if you don’t know our history. Ergo, they are talking from ignorance. How surprising.

    Uncle Al — I wasn’t questioning the quote, just chagrined. I suppose he was president at the time, right?

  7. Of course liberals aren’t proud to be Americans. Liberals are these little neurotic malcontents who are simply not constitutionally (little “c”) capable of happiness or gratitude.

  8. I always believed liberals should all have to serve at least two years in the military. No peace corp crap. Military.
    I really wanted all the hippie Woodstock liberal turds rounded up at Woodstock and forced into military service.
    That’s how much I hate those pricks.

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