Not That This is Important News – But I am GOING TO RANT ABOUT IT – IOTW Report

Not That This is Important News – But I am GOING TO RANT ABOUT IT

I’m posting this update because I want to rant about it in a bit of an off topic way.


Dr. Tar e-mailed me:
Just announced an hour ago.
I looked at the video that is supposed to be a “mystery.”
Did he or didn’t he? Really, there are people who can’t tell?
Look at the video. Look at the part when he steps backward. Look at the part when his left foot lands on Rodger’s calf. LOOK AT THE PART WHERE HE LIFTS HIS RIGHT FOOT IN THE AIR TO PUT HIS FULL WEIGHT ON THE LEG. He didn’t have to do that. He had already regained balance when his left foot came to rest. If you care about people you lift your left leg back up to resume walking. If you’re a sh!tstain, you do what he did, you apply as much pressure as possible by raising your 300 pound fat ass straight up and you don’t even turn around to see what it is you’ve just done.

Being suspended for what he did is an entirely different issue. I think it’s the pu$$ification of a sport I find myself not watching too much anymore. Listening to talking heads “OUTRAGED” by what the fat bastid did is embarrassing, especially since many of the same people complaining played when football was a gladiator sport, where stepping on an opponent on the ground happened every other play.
But, as I said, I really don’t care too much about this. My rant’s fuel is supplied more by being amazed that people think what Suh did was “an accident.”
This makes me angry. These people are potential eye witnesses to events that won’t be videoed for digestion, and they can’t even get it right watching the thing over and over again. What the hell are they looking at?

27 Comments on Not That This is Important News – But I am GOING TO RANT ABOUT IT

  1. The last time Suh had a tantrum on the field the NFL fined his ass $100,000. What is not said on this is the dollar amount a one game suspension will cost him, but it is well in excess of 100 large.

    Like it or not, this suspension is the next step for Suh on the disciplinary action matrix. Next time the suspension will be for multiple games if not for the remainder of the season, depending on the magnitude of the infraction.

    That said, the people making excuses for someone like Suh are hardcore Lions fans who don’t relish facing Seattle without their favorite bully. Too bad. My original impression was that his suspension would be for a regular season game, but I guess they are going to impose it on the playoff game. That will cost his fat ass even more, and make Detroit’s loss to Seattle even worse.

    Good enough.

  2. Yep.

    The way to get more of something is to reward or subsidize it. Here we have an individual that is not only rewarded, but in many areas celebrated for this kind of behavior. So of course we get more of it. The “that’s so outrageous” comments are just from those covering their own behinds, yet they go on doing their best to promote this kind of behavior, by either selling it, or buying it.

    But back to point…

    The way to get more of something is to subsidize it, be it an individual or a society.

  3. Lol.
    My fuse got short, frankly, after the OJ trial.
    I worked at home, so I watched every minute of the entire trial.
    I was already into that sort of thing (one of my earliest book reports was on the Marilyn Reese Sheppard murder) but this was the first time in my life a high-profile case’s evidence could unfold in real time.

    I wasn’t as much blown away by the acquittal, I knew jury nullification was a danger, I was blown away by people without that agenda arguing the evidence as if OJ was innocent.

    I had a relative who said the police planted the evidence.
    When I pointed out how this was highly unlikely, probably impossible, it didn’t matter.
    They had their “beliefs” based on imagination.

    My anger started around that time, and it hasn’t abated.

    I picture getting into an argument with someone about this silly meaningless Suh event and having them say, “he did it ON accident.”

    That’s when my molars get a little shorter and I walk away and curse the internet, because these people have a collective, and relevant, voice now.
    That’s how we get –
    Hands Up Don’t Shoot.

    So, ya, I get mad, at my own peril.

  4. I watched an NFL game a while ago, it was the Seahawks playing against the Steelers for the world championship, and it impresses me as on the same level as the Portland Wrestling that used to be on television when I was a kid.

    Even as someone who doesn’t follow the sport, or know much about it, it was evident that the fix was in.

    Professional football fans seem to me to get rather worked up over something that really is much to do about nothing.

  5. @Fur – re OJ, I think I have told this story before. One of the dads in my scout troop was the Superior Court judge who assigned Ito to the OJ case, at Ito’s request. I was talking to the dad a couple of years afterward. He said that he regretted assigning Ito, knowing that he already had an emotional desire to try the case, but had a personal obligation to him.

    I asked whether he had sat in on the trial, and he said he’d seen about half of it. I asked whether, in his opinion, OJ was guilty. He said that he had never seen such overwhelming evidence to convict. And he had to thank the jury for its service, which made him sick to do.

  6. Its why we have formal institutions, like the courts and associations who we trust to be objective and to dispense justice once a process that challenges both sides to make the best argument they can.

    The mentality that looks at the evidence and can only see their own subjective reality is the mob mentality. It’s what gave us Obama, the race healer, Obama the stiller of angry waters, Obama the peace bringer.

    Everyone that checks this website and comments here knew he was a tremendous fraud. Those that voted for him where so fixated on what they could gain for their agenda or just plain stupid uninformed ignoramus (who take pride in being easily manipulated).

    While they deserve what they voted for, the rest of us have to suffer for their stupidity.

  7. I don’t want to appear strident and hard-headed.
    Stranded in Sonoma and I had a heated debate about the Kennedy assassination.
    I have my theory, he has his. But in this case, I’m not so stupid as to think I’m right, he’s wrong.
    The Kennedy case is somewhat debatable.
    Many issues of the day become debatable.

    Michael Brown DID NOT have his hands up saying “Don’t Shoot” when Wilson fired.

    OJ was not set up by the police.

    911 was not a staged event carried out by the U.S.

    We went to the moon.

    And Michelle Obama is not hot.

  8. I am with you Fur.
    That OJ trial changed everything.
    The fact that Mark Furman had uttered the word ‘nigger’ even though he worked in South-Central, could mean that he could plant evidence against OJ just blew my mind.
    Hard to trust anyone from the black community after that.

    Only a joe Biden intellect could say Suh is just an innocent black man being hounded by ‘the man’.

  9. AND ANOTHER THING – I haven’t bothered to remember the Lions quarterback’s name but after getting a pass intercepted yesterday he clearly gave the finger to the Packers as he walked off the field. This was in the 4th quarter. Maybe Suh’s behavior served to drown out the rest of the asshole members of the Lions football team.

    The NFL needs to review that tape too and have the QB do some ‘splainin’.

  10. Realizing the issue here is people denying what is clearly shown, it should be pointed out that Suh is nothing more than a visible throwback to “dirty” football play that went on for years.

    Players did and still do try to get away with as much as possible..
    Many of the hits that players are penalized for today,often to the point of absurdity,(especially hits on over-protected quarterbacks) were just “football” in decades past.

    Hell, TV Holy Man Merlin Olson as a player with the LA Rams had a patented move where an instant before the snap, he would wind his arm back and at the snap blast the opposing lineman in the nuts.

    Part of football had always been (prior to it’s ongoing conversion to Arena football) mixing it up with the opponent and “givin’ him the business”

  11. from JDHasty:
    ‘Professional football fans seem to me to get rather worked up over something that really is much to do about nothing.’

    Eh? Much ado about nothing…It’s all about watching well-muscled men in tight pants for some of us. I just love ogling those bouncing male backsides and go light-headed at the sight of Clay Matthews Jr.
    Some uniforms, like the Steelers throwback uniforms, seem to allow lots more jiggle.
    Hee hee hee.

  12. Even as someone who doesn’t follow the sport, or know much about it, it was evident that the fix was in.

    @JDHasty — The worst part of that Super Bowl was that the instant replay showed Ben Roethlisberger had done something that no one else in the history of the NFL had ever done; he scored a touchdown without getting the football over the goal line.

    When the 49ers “lost” to the Ravens, I was livid. The Ravens committed 5 personal fouls. Two were for taking swings at 9er players (but missing), two were for punches that landed and one Raven player actually struck an official with both hands. By NFL rule those three are all disqualification fouls. Not one of those 5 players drew a flag. Not to mention obvious holding in the end zone on a fade pass. You can tell that the NFL wanted to “Win another one for Art!” because Raven owner Art Model had died earlier that year. I’m not even watching football any more. Just stick a fork in me.

    Stranded in Sonoma and I had a heated debate about the Kennedy assassination.

    That’s why I love this place. I know that I don’t know everything, and even when I do know something about a specific topic, sometimes someone else can make a simple statement that gets you thinking about why you believe what you do. It keeps me honest. Otherwise, I’d be liberal.

    OJ was not set up by the police.

    We watched the verdict live at my place of work at the time and the only guy that thought OJ was innocent was…the only black person that worked there. He just refused to believe that OJ was not setup. I remember the office manager when she heard the not guilty verdict; she gasped and said, “Oh my God, that can’t be.” She put her hands to her face and walked out of the room. We all left shaking our heads. All except one person.

    And Michelle Obama is not hot.

    I’d like to replace every porn picture on the web the liberals fap to with pictures of Mooshell. If she’s so good looking, I’m sure they wouldn’t have a problem with that.

  13. Oh, and Ndamukong Suh is a horse’s ass. Worse, he’s an ignorant horse’s ass. I know that 60 years ago, the other players in the league would have laughed and bought him a beer for “accidentally” stepping on a QB lying on the ground. But this is not 60 years ago. It is Obama’s America were every institution is now secondarily what their founding charter says and is primarily an engine of social change. And the NFL is good with that.

    You chose to be in the NFL, Mr. Suh. When they change on the whim of Obama, so must you. The NFL had HOPE that you would CHANGE. Too bad for you.

  14. Maybe you should watch some of the previous Packer games. We’ve seen the Packers do the same thing. I live in Wisconsin and am sick of how the Packers get away with their own “thuggery” and no ones calls them on it. Also, they definitely are trying to win Oscars with their play acting and then asking for a flag all the time. Sickening!

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