‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated – IOTW Report

‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated


Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s “not the same Joe Biden.”

“It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017,” Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. “He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago.”

“He doesn’t have the energy, he doesn’t have the pace of his speaking,” McCormick said. “He’s a different guy.”

McCormick’s recent book Joe Biden Unauthorized recounts his time working with Biden and takes a critical look at the former vice president, including the time he says Biden was “humiliated”  by Russia’s Vladimir Putin in 2011. more

11 Comments on ‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated

  1. QUOTE: Speaking of Joe Biden…
    “here’s our great foreign policy expert and he just got punk’d. And Vladimir Putin just had no fear or respect for him.”

    …and now he expects to be Preezy II.


  2. really??????

    well, knock me over w/ a feather! whodathunkit?
    I would have never guessed it … bet it caught you by surprise too, huh?

    glad they’re coming out w/ these people saying this though … wonder what the motive is? … I mean, besides the $’s

  3. 3 weeks from tonight is the first debate. Then it will be all over.
    It’s really already all over – and things have been rapidly swinging towards Trump in the past couple of weeks. But going on stage is the only way Biden could possibly convince American voters of two things: That his course is the best; and that he is physically capable. And he will fail on both counts.

  4. This may come as a big surprise…
    “Face Mask” Joe is NOT a reliable information source on ANY topic,
    From a correspondence course in brain surgery, I can tell something is not right with him,
    His brain is not firing on all 8 cylinders.

  5. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama hasn’t sounded like Neil Kinnock in decades. His handlers know he won’t be able to debate President Trump, so they will find some excuse that keeps him off the debate stage. The Dementiacrats will find this acceptable and the MSDM will find it plausible. They are betting everything on the US Postal Service and the hundreds of lawyers and corrupt judges that will carry the election in those battleground states.

  6. “Are you a pretty bird?”

    “Whup, whup, whup.”

    “Do you drink water you have shit in?”

    “Whup, whup!”

    “Are you a fucking retard?”

    “Whup. Whup.”

    And here we have Joe.


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