#NotAllMuslims Charged With Assault After DeVos Protest – IOTW Report

#NotAllMuslims Charged With Assault After DeVos Protest

DC: Hey, remember last week when those brave protesters blocked Betsy DeVos from entering a public school in Washington, DC because they lost the election and it’s not fair? Here’s a clip of that brave moment in the history of bravery by those brave protesters:

12 Comments on #NotAllMuslims Charged With Assault After DeVos Protest

  1. I’m going out on a limb here with two predictions:

    1. Bilal’s dad is named Mohammed.

    2. Bilal’s dad drives a school bus.

    Over the past ten years, my kids have had three muslim bus drivers named Mohammed.

  2. Irony, I drove my kids to school for four years, and I changed school districts, to avoid 2 mohammed drivers. Now, I am driving my youngest to middle school because of Mohammed #3. And all of this in Tom Price’s district!! This shit has got to change.

  3. @Thirdtwin…..

    Yeah…a guy in Price’s local office and I got into a row a couple of years back….seems office dude didn’t like me calling the police on mexicans breaking the law in park….had to call the police on him after he harassed and tried following me to my car.

  4. Hmm. If Angry Muslim NPR Boi was brought to USA from Afghanistan at 5, then he’s a “naturalized citizen “.
    That class of citizenship can be revoked. For causes like, yes, criminal assault.

    Convict him, revoke citizenship, deport him back to Afghanistan.
    Let him sleep on the floor at Karachi Airport Customs until the Afghans either accept him or arrest him for vagrancy.

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