Nothing Personal, Bal! Biden calls Peter Doocy to ‘clear the air’ after S.O.B. insult – IOTW Report

Nothing Personal, Bal! Biden calls Peter Doocy to ‘clear the air’ after S.O.B. insult

NYP: President Biden reached out to Peter Doocy on Monday night and “cleared the air” after calling the Fox News White House correspondent a “stupid son of a bitch” an hour earlier.

Doocy told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the president called him on his cellphone and told the reporter, “It’s nothing personal, pal” after the hot mic blunder in the White House East Room.

Asked if Biden issued an apology, Doocy said he doesn’t need one and that the president simply “cleared the air.”

“I appreciated it. We had a nice call,” Doocy said of the communication.

“I don’t need anybody to apologize to me,” Doocy told Hannity. “He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking.” read more

17 Comments on Nothing Personal, Bal! Biden calls Peter Doocy to ‘clear the air’ after S.O.B. insult

  1. Must have struck a raw nerve with the old coot. Biden thinks because he’s in a “fragile” state of mind, that everyone will automatically give him a pass because he’s senile. Reporters need to get this guy on the run and force him to acting even more stupid. The 25th Amendment should have been played a year ago against the fraudster.

  2. Hey Dementia Joe – you are a real Doocy!

    It’s not personal Bal. No, I was only kidding. It is personal you freaking ass clown, you stupid, demented, hair sniffing, child groping, inappropriate showering, bad finger probing, lying dog faced “one horse” pony soldier.

    Oh and one last thing – Salute the Marine – end of quote

  3. hey it’s nothing personal Brandon, you plagiarizing, lying, corrupt, traitorous, socialist, fascist-adjacent, incompetent, gummint-cheez, paedophilic, hair-sniffing, perverted, scary-whispering, unconstitutional mandating, election-stealing, voter-fraud, ballot-harvesting, dead-voter, vaxx card, senile demented dotard mask-monkey!

  4. “Deadpan” is the media word of the day. Joe was just being “deadpan” in his delivery. Ask any of them, they’ll tell you. Deadpan. I doubt the Scrotum from Scranton knows what that even means.

    God, I detest those cocksuckers. In a deadpan way, of course.

  5. Peter Doocy is a much nicer man than I am. President or not, demented husk or not, calling him a son of a bitch indicates that Biden thinks Doocy’s mother is a bitch. If that had been me, I would have waited outside for Biden & watched him pick up his dentures off the ground after I had punched them out of his gob. Damn the fallout. Biden is & always has been a classless buffoon. Nothing personal, Bal!!! Actually, it is.

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