Now Now… – IOTW Report

Now Now…


10 Comments on Now Now…

  1. You’d think they could change their flannel panties every now and then.

    Recycled old joke:

    How many union workers does it take to change a light bulb?
    You got a problem with that?

  2. I used to say five:
    One to give a speech on how the patriarchy abuses women by keeping them in the dark…
    One to write a book on how women are unfairly treated by the power industry…
    One to do a study into how being without lights creates a hostile work environment…
    One to organize a march to protest the unequal access to public utilities…, and…
    One to call the maintenance department to send a *man* up to change the lightbulb.

  3. Seven.
    One to change the lightbulb, three to protest the offense committed by the lightbulb in regards to the socket, two to secretly wish they were the socket, and one to secretly wish she was the lightbulb.

  4. When everyone learns that Edison was a patriarchal misogynist whose invention is destroying the world, people will change that light bulb to CFC themselves, and thank a feminist for it.

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